Roadtrip {Greenville, SC}

The weekend before Thanksgiving, we headed up to Greenville, SC for the final soccer tourney of this half of the season for Drew. We didn’t get out of town until after 6 because I had to work, which was fine. We had opted not to leave earlier, because we were trying to avoid Atlanta traffic. Our ride there was good, and happily arrived around 11 pm to our hotel. We stayed at the Hyatt Place.

Saturday we woke up bright and early to get out to the fields for an 8 a.m. game. The game ended in a tie. We went back to the hotel afterwards, for some more free breakfast and an nap! The bed was the most amazing bed I’ve ever had the pleasure of resting on. It puts my mattress to shame, which is something I thought I would never say! After hanging out at the hotel for a bit, we went to the mall for lunch and then back over to the fields for the second game.

After the 2nd game which ended for us in a loss, we went to the downtown area, where we walked through the infamous Falls Park on the Reedy River.
Trip to Greenville, SC {November 2010}

Trip to Greenville, SC {November 2010}

Trip to Greenville, SC {November 2010}

The place was literally crawling with photographers, who were doing portrait sessions. It was an absolutely amazing place with hundreds of different areas to use as backdrops.

Trip to Greenville, SC {November 2010}
We walked around a bit downtown, hunting a place to eat dinner, but everything seemed to be either very fancy or closed. We hopped back in the car and ended up eating at Don Pablo’s and then back to the hotel for some rest and watching of football.

The next day Drew played in the last game of the tourney and from there we went to the Greenville Zoo. Nice, small zoo nestled in a beautiful area.

Trip to Greenville, SC {November 2010}

Trip to Greenville, SC {November 2010}

Trip to Greenville, SC {November 2010}

Feedin' the tortoise

After we were finished there, the kids played at the playground right outside of the zoo.

Alex having fun swinging at the park outside the zoo

Then, got in the car headed towards home. Before getting too far we stopped at Sonny’s Barbeque for lunch.

Click here and here for a couple lists of more things to do in Greenville.

See all the trip pics here.

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