
Sorry I’ve been so MIA lately. I feel like I haven’t blogged in ages. Last week I started working on cataloging every single book in my classroom library. Not only that, but I’m adding 350+ books that I’ve kept at home. I’m doing it for a couple of reasons. One of which is to free up shelf space at home and I think with the organizing and leveling my library, I’ll hopefully still be able to locate these books when I need them to use for my lessons. Yah, we’ll see how that goes! So I had to create the database and figure out exactly how I was going to organize and level the books. So for the last week I’ve been slaving over that. Not only entering the books in with all sorts of info about each book, but I’m also putting pockets in the back with a check out card. I’m also labeling each card and book, so that everything can be returned back where it’s supposed to go. I still have about 70 books left to enter and I have about 200+ that I still need to put the pockets and labels on. And the sad thing is that I haven’t even started on the books that were already in my classroom library! Not to mention that I’ve got tons of planning to do. etc. etc. Yah, I know you’re thrilled! 🙂

Tomorrow we’re headed the Braves game. We’re leaving the kids with my in-laws for the week. I wish I could say I was going to get to relax and enjoy some ME time, but I’m going to be working. Blah-blah-blah…Wednesday Rob and I are headed on our little getaway trip for our anniversary.

I’ve got some other stuff I need to fill you in on, but that we’ll have to wait for now.


  1. Wow, that’s a huge undertaking! I have wanted to catalog in an electronic system the books in my library (just personal, almost all fiction), but haven’t had the nerve to even start. It seems like such a huge task – kudos to you for getting yours started and done!

    Have fun at the game and Happy Anniversary!

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