Planning Your First Post Covid19 Trip

Planning Your First Post Covid19 Trip

Planning Your First Post Covid19 Trip

The silver lining of the Coronavirus pandemic is that you can start to plan your first post Covid19 trip. At least the thought will get you excited and help you through a challenging time for millions around the world.


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Of course, the typical American vacation isn’t going to be the same for a while. Therefore, you shouldn’t expect to hit the open road or a hop on a flight without a few considerations first. The idea of a traveling abroad may be less appealing right now.

With that in mind, here are four tips for planning your first adventure after lockdown.

Stay Close By
If the health crisis taught the world anything, it’s that you don’t want to be stuck in limbo for months. Some people had to honeymoon for weeks on a cruise ship, others had to book hotels for weeks in Europe. Regardless, they all had one thing in common – they wanted to be home! Don’t forget that a staycation has plenty of benefits, too. As well as exploring your country and learning more about its history, you can avoid sun damage because you’re used to the conditions.

You get all of this while only being a couple of hours drive from home, which is the main thing.

Purchase Extra Insurance
Insurers are sneaky. Now that Covid-19 has grown into a pandemic, most class it as a predictable event. As a result, they won’t cover it unless you have coverage that explicitly includes it within your plan. Please don’t leave home without topping up your travel cover, even if you plan on a staycation. You never know what will happen and whether you’ll require your insurer to bail you out and pick up the check.

Avoid complications by researching how Coronavirus could affect your trip in the future.

Usually, you pay the price you are quoted when you find a vacation package online. It’s not in the US’ nature to bargain over a couple of dollars. If the agency says the holiday is worth this much, they won’t change their minds as they have the demand to stay strong on the price. At least, they did before the health crisis. Now, with fewer people willing to travel, they have to be flexible with their prices or lose money.

This means you can ask them outright if that’s the best deal they can give you. If it is, let them know it’s too much and that’ll you consider your options. For those who aren’t confident in their haggling skills, use hotel comparison sites for overseas trips to KL Hotels, for example; while not explicitly haggling, it can help you to get a lower price on your hotel stay.

Get Off The Beaten Track
It is worth considering a destination off the beaten track for those who are happy to travel internationally. You’ll get a great price from a budget perspective if you don’t head for the tourist traps. Thanks to Coronavirus, attitudes have changed. Currently, people don’t hate the idea of a secluded villa in the mountains – as long as there are lots of people, it’s safe.

Finally, you have an excuse to sample a destination you’ve always dreamed of but never quite attempted!


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