October 2020 Monthly Musings-Thanksgiving

October 2020 Monthly Musings-Thanksgiving

Have you ever written a post and then for some reason it doesn’t get saved as you’re writing like it usually does? You just have a couple things left to do before you post and then, poof it’s gone. Then you’re so mad. You don’t want to have to rewrite the thing and you just want to move on with your day, but you also really want to post it. You swallow your anger and frustration and write it…again. That’s me right now. So aggravated! Deep breaths…Puts a smile on her face.

Hey yall! It’s time for Monthly Musings for October. With October coming to a close we’re starting to look ahead and think about Thanksgiving, so that’s what we’re talking about today!

October Monthly Musings-Thanksgiving

1. Favorite Thanksgiving Traditions?
I love to get up and watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade even if it is highly commercialized and the bands don’t get near enough screen time. When that’s over if we’re hosting we’ll start preparing for everyone to get here and making sure we have everything. I usually do most of my meal prep on Wednesday so I don’t have to spend so much time in the kitchen on Turkey day. If we’re going to a family member’s house, we usually leave at that time.

2. Favorite Thanksgiving Recipe?
My Praline Sweet Potatoes is the family favorite.

3. Football Game? Yes or No? In person or on TV?
We usually have college football on all day. We usually always watch the Egg bowl (Mississippi State vs Ole Miss football). Our team doesn’t play (Iron Bowl) until the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

4. Talking Turkey- White Meat or Dark Meat?
White meat

5. Do I call it stuffing or dressing?
I use them both interchangeably.

6. Three Things I am Thankful for during this Crazy COVID Thanksgiving?
My family and their health. Rob and my jobs that are so good to us. A roof over our heads and food to eat.

7. Pumpkin Pie? Apple Pie? Pecan Pie?
Pecan – no doubt!

8. Do you put your Christmas tree up before or after Thanksgiving?
Usually a week or 2 after Thanksgiving because we go cut down our tree at a Christmas tree farm.

9. Black Friday Shopper? Yes or No?
As a teenager, my Granddad and I would go shopping the day after Thanksgiving. This was back before it was called Black Friday. We would still get up early because Montgomery Wards would give away some type of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer item that he wanted to get for me.

10. Do we sit at the table this year for Thanksgiving?
Typically yes. It depends on who’s house we’re at and how much room we have. Often the kids get the table and adults sit in the living room.

September’s Monthly Musings


    • Lysha

      Oh yes! My brother-in-law asks his wife to make it several times a year.

  1. Such a nice list! I love the parade too, and wonder how that will go this year. Have a great weekend!

    • Lysha

      Oh, it hadn’t even crossed my mind that they will have to change things up this year.

  2. I’m sorry you had trouble with your post — that’s so frustrating 🙁
    We’ve cut our tree down at a farm before and it’s so fun! Now we just order it through our neighbourhood association so we can walk it home in our Chariot as opposed to trying to tie it to the roof of our car.

    • Lysha

      Oh that sounds like fun too. And a lot less work. We struggle to find good ones here in the south because we love Virginia Pines that don’t grow great here.

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