Memories of the Month {11.2012}

This month I was happy about: getting the kitchen done!
This month I was sad about: Auburn high losing in the 3rd round of the playoffs.
Somethings I accomplished this month were: getting the kitchen done!
Something new I did was: helping with the demolition of part of our kitchen and helping with installing new counter tops.
Books I read were:
The Rough Guide To The Maya World by Peter Eltringham
The Lords of Tikal: Rulers of an Ancient Maya City by Peter D. Harrison
Lonely Planet Belize by Mara Vorhees
Every Now and Then (9/11, #3) by Karen Kingsbury (haven’t finished)

Movies I watched were:
Breakfast at Tiffanys (Netflix)
Sabrina (Netflix)

TV Shows I watched were:
Amazing Race
Criminal Minds
CSI New York
Drop Dead Diva (Netflix)

My favorite song this month was:

What I remember about work was: getting tired of the negativism from people. Trying so hard not to get sucked in by it. So hard! Brings me down!
A lesson I learned this month was: sometimes you have to step back, because what you may be looking for is right under your nose.
A friend and I: enjoyed Black Friday together with both of our families.
My favorite pic that I took was:…well, I didn’t take too many pics except for a bunch of the kitchen remodel, so I don’t really have a favorite.
I cooked: lots of good stuff. New recipes coming soon!
The boys were: finishing up soccer for the fall.
My husband was: busy with the new boy scout troop among other things.
The thing I’ll remember most from this month was: finally having a kitchen floor and sink…post to come.


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