NYC Day 3

New York City Day 3

If you missed my first 2 posts about our trip to New York at Christmas click —>
New York City Day 1
New York City Day 2

Saturday, December 22nd
New York City Day 3

Saturday after finishing off the eggs and bacon we headed out towards Central Park. The night before we had walked a little bit of it in the dark, so I was happy to get to explore it in the day light.
New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

This street performer was unique and attracted quite a few onlookers. Although, I’m not sure he made much money. The bubbles he made with the rope were huge. I really enjoyed seeing his creativity.
New York City Day 3

So many picturesque places in Central Park. It’s no wonder so many movies are filmed here.
New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

A.A. Jing was our stop for lunch. Pretty good, but a little pricey.
New York City Day 3

After lunch we rode the Subway over to Grand Central Station and it was nuts.
New York City Day 3

Caitlyn and I had to go to the bathroom really badly when we got to Grand Central, so we chased signs to the restroom until we saw the sign with a really really long line. We both looked at each other and grimaced. Luckily the line moved fairly quickly and we didn’t wet our pants! I can’t believe they only have 1 bathroom for that entire building.
New York City Day 3

It is pretty cool that they have an Apple store in Grand Central though.
New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

This view from right outside of Grand Central is absolutely iconic.
New York City Day 3

From there its just a quick jaunt over to the New York Public Library. Since Caitlyn and I work at a library we are always curious to check out other libraries especially ones like this.
New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

The picture below is a pic I took where you’re not allowed. I misread the sign and snapped this shot and out of no where an employ pops up and asked me nicely to not take pictures in that area. Oops!
New York City Day 3

Bryant Park was right around the corner. They have Christmas shops which surrounded an ice skating rink. They have a pretty big tree set up, which we looked to see if it was growing there or if it was brought it. It looked to be brought in.
New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

The crowds were crazy. We noticed since it was the weekend and it was getting closer to Christmas more and more people were out and about.
New York City Day 3

We made it back to the AirBnB in time to rest for a few minutes and then it was time to get dressed up and ready for dinner and the Broadway show. The Keg Room was catty corner to us, so we called and made a reservation to ensure we could get in and out in time to make it to the show. Food and beer were good. Service was ok.
New York City Day 3

We passed Madison Square Garden on our way to Richard Rogers Theater.
New York City Day 3

We saw The Book of Mormon on Broadway. I don’t recommend it. Talent was top-notch, but this is a crude and vulgar display of talent unfortunately. The few websites I visited before booking this said they recommended ages 14+. That is absolutely laughable and I’m now embarrassed to say that I have witnessed this Broadway Musical. Wicked, Jersey Boys, and Phantom were on our list and we should have chosen one of those. Live and learn.
New York City Day 3

After the show we subwayed back to our airbnb and changed our clothes and got ready to bundle up for our trip to the top of the Empire State Building!
New York City Day 3

What a sight it was at night! It was pretty cold that night and on top of Empire State Building it was incredibly windy. I went around the corner where the wind was howling from and the wind literally got sucked out of me. I coward down and ducked back around the corner, but Rob urged me to come see the views. So I pulled my hat off and covered my face, which helped me be able to breath. It was the craziest thing.
New York City Day 3

I highly recommend doing either the Empire State Building or the Top of the Rock at night. I loved being able to see the Statue of Liberty and several of the bridges from there.
New York City Day 3

New York City Day 3

On our way back we stopped by Bloomingdales to see their Christmas windows. The boys were over seeing windows at this point, until they saw the Grinch theme. One of the windows had a microphone that you could sing karaoke into, which was fun.
New York City Day 3

So it was another full day of fun sight seeing, subwaying, walking, and just enjoying the Big Apples. Stay tuned for my last post about our NYC Christmas trip coming soon!

More pics here.

Want to read what we did the next day? New York City Day 4

New York Christmas Trip Highlights page

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