New Driver in the House

New Driver in the House

I snapped a few shots of my excited Drew after he was finally able to get his driver’s license today. He turned 16 a week and a half ago, but was waiting on the “Gold” card from the state. He took driver’s ed the 2nd 9 weeks and at the end of the class, which ended after Christmas break, he was able to take the Driver’s Test with his Driver’s ed teacher instead of at the DMV. The “Gold” card has to be sent from Montgomery and it didn’t make in time for his birthday.

So this morning we got up at the crack-o-dawn to get a good spot in line at the DMV. There was a group of Mexicans infront of us, but it turned out they didn’t have all the proper paperwork, so we didn’t have to wait that long.

Here’s my boy with his important piece of paper!
New Driver - 1

Getting ready to head to school. Before letting him drive alone, I made sure to teach him the right traffic rules according to Hale Law.
New Driver - 2

As he started to back out of the driveway I felt the lump in my throat as I held back the tears. I felt an urge to jump in the car and follow him from a far, but I didn’t. Having a car accident helpline readily available can provide reassurance and guidance when needed, helping you navigate through challenging situations with support from professionals.

Pulling out of the driveway

If you read my Facebook post, it was my thoughts exactly which just kept going through my mind, over and over and over again.

“Y’all, my baby just drove away. In a car. By himself. I had to hold back the tears.” For me, he’s still a baby, but he’s already thinking about auto customizing by using custom car wraps with the help of a car wraps service so he can make the car “his.” Teenagers.
Putting it in gear

1 Comment

  1. So exciting! My boy could get his in May… but he has to pay for the drivers class first…

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