Here’s another monthly digest.
Happenings lots and lots of traveling and wedding planning.
Loving Virgin River Season 4.
Happy All the travels
Excited that Drew & Caitlyn have a date and the venue booked for their wedding!
Reminiscing about our first trip to the mountains for the 4th. Read about that here.

Social I honestly think we were just too busy to be social.
Work Memories Interviews the day after being gone for two weeks, but gotta get students hired.
Lesson Learned in the Bahamas you drive on the right side of the road in the normal American driver’s side. It’s like a mind game at first.
Current Project I am going through all my photos on flickr and labeling all the pics that have Drew and Caitlyn in them. This way they can easily find them and I’m also downloading pics I think we will use in their wedding slideshow.
Drew and Caitlyn are busy wedding planning.
Alex has been working and enjoying playing with his new Switch.
Rob quite involved with the wedding planning.
Most remembered our travels.
Wearing It is hot, so shorts and tshirts FTW!
This Weekend I think Rob will be out of town on Saturday, so I hope to relax and get stuff done around the house.
Looking Forward to Next Month August is going to bring lots of change that I will talk about later.
Eating I mean we were on a cruise for 2 weeks, so we ate cruise food during that time!

Black Pepper Conecuh (pronounced “cah-Neck-ah”) in Mac & Cheese. I don’t have a pic of it though. I didn’t cook much this month!
Post coming soon about all the things I’ve been watching and listening to.
Favorite pic
I still have a ton of photos to go through after all our travels this month, but so far I love this one.

Look back at last month.
So much excitement between the 2 week cruise and all the wedding planning! Love that last photo and can easily see why it’s a favorite.
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