How is it almost September? Life flies by in blink doesn’t it?
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Only you can see this your “Memories”

Happenings Lots of wedding planning.
Loving that I’m working on getting my house clean. Here are some before pics.

Happy I love owls and I saw this while shopping in Cozumel on our cruise. This makes me happy.

Excited for the Hey Day Market, which is a new food court across the street from where I work.

Reminiscing I often reminisce by looking through my pics on flickr. I came across some pics from our New York & Ontario Trip back in 2016. Such a great trip and so many beautiful places to explore.
Social Rob and I went to the AHS kickoff football game in Montgomery with the Farrows and we won!

Dinner with my friend at Chicken Salad Chick

Work Memories So many people with ‘food poisoning’ when it’s probably a virus. Lots of COVID running through our student workforce as well.
Lesson Learned Be careful the words you choose. They can cut like a knife. Obviously this is not anything new. Just had this happen to me and it hurts…bad.
Current Project Almost done going through all my pics on flickr and pulling pics for the wedding video for Drew and Caitlyn.
Drew and Caitlyn booked their honeymoon.
Alex moved out. He did all this (signing a lease, arranging all the things) without any help from us. He has not moved all his stuff out of his room yet.
Rob and I helped teach a bible study called “So you have a high school senior…” That was enriching for us as well even though we no longer have a high school senior.
We also had our 25th wedding anniversary on Tuesday. We’re celebrating with dinner and movie tonight.
Most remembered Not sure…I guess. Alex moving out and us being empty nesters.
Wearing Love this filter that makes my eyelashes look long.

This Weekend the 1st football game and Labor Day weekend.
Looking Forward to Next Month hoping for cooler weather. Probably not, but I can always hope.
Eating more fruits and vegetables. Working towards eating 800g of fruits and veggies each day.


What I’ve been watching and listening to this summer
Favorite pic Kayleigh got into something

Look back at last month.
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