Monthly Digest::8.2024

Monthly Digest::8.2024

August_2024_Collage - Memories of the Month - Here's a great idea for wrapping up the month with a set of questions to remember how your last month with.  I love going back and reading through what happened throughout the years.


Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up.
Week 31
Week 32
Week 33
Week 34

My current obsession for some reason is the story of Joe DiMeo, who fell sleep at the wheel back in 2018? and was in a horrific car accident leaving him with third degree burns on 80% of his body. A few years later he got a full face and double hand transplant.

Is= Survived the First Face and Double Hand Transplant and Now I’ve Found Love

Happy that Fall is right around the corner. My favorite time of year.

Excited for cooler weather soon. Hoping its here sooner than later. I’m over the 90 degree days.

Reminiscing Going through stuff in Alex’s closet as we get ready to transition that room and I found this uniform. It made me miss these times. I donated these back to the school.

2017-12-12 20.19.44-1

Social Several times of hanging out with friends. I especially loved going to the lake.

Work Memories Started some new online leadership training.

Lesson Learned Dry Ice can burn you if picked up with bare hands!

Current Project Getting Alex’s room turned into a guest bedroom.

Drew and Caitlyn have been working on getting their house more organized.

Alex and Madison celebrated 2 years of dating!

Rob and I celebrated 27 years of marriage!

Most remembered Cruise with my Sis and her family and our aunt and uncle.

Wearing It is still so blasted hot, so as little as possible.

This Weekend
First football game!

Looking Forward to Next Month
September…is my birthday month!


Eating Trying to eat healthier, but its a struggle.

Favorite So glad we finally have a real Mongolian Grill in Auburn. Yaki Bowl is delish!

2024-08-25 18.12.13


Click TV below to see what I’ve been watching and listening to lately.

Watching & Listening Post

Favorite Pic

Look back at last month.


Linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.

LAST August’s Monthly Post!


  1. Oh, I miss our Mongolian Grill. It was so delicious and I didn’t feel terribly guilty leaving there stuffed to the gills.
    Yay for football. Tennessee got their first win Saturday but played a small school so it was embarrassingly brutal. We did our fantasy football draft and I got a D for the team I put together. Oh, dear.
    Hard to go through the things our children leave behind. I still have several bins in one closet with things that belong to my older Ft. Worth daughter. You will enjoy having the guest room once everything is all transitioned.
    Off to see what you have been watching and listening to. The story of the poor soul with the terrible burns sounds fascinating.

  2. Joanne

    Sorry to hear that you found out dry ice burns.. I’m guessing you learned that the hard way? Happy anniversary!

  3. Tanya

    I’m ready for fall too and our September birthdays! happy anniversary!

  4. Mongolian grill looks so good! Happy Anniversary to you! 27 years is amazing! Going to the lake sounds so nice!

  5. That yaki bowl looks sooo good! It’s so strange to see everyone still speaking of how hot it it is. It’s getting chilly here! Also HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Cheers to so many more!

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