Happy Leap Day, yall! Here we are for February’s Monthly Digest. Another month gone in the blink of an eye.

Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
My new laptop set up at work

Happy The weather has been pretty nice lately.
Excited For Survivor and Amazing Race to be starting soon.
Disappointments Bummed about having to have surgery on my left shoulder (trying to wait till May).
Reminiscing Drew & Caitlyn celebrated 1 year wedding anniversary earlier this week and I just still can’t get over what a wonderful day it was. All the wedding posts.

Social Church stuff. Family lunches. No friend lunches, but that’s ok.
Work Memories Work has been pretty chill, which makes me so happy.
Lesson Learned I once again am reminded that my anxiety can get the best of me. I can do hard things…well and sometimes they’re really not that hard, but my brain makes me think they are.
Current Project I’m back working on my project of going through all the old family photos that I scanned and editing and posting those to flickr. I’d like to finish that project this year, if I don’t get burnt out from it again.
Drew finished a huge launch for his company and is glad to have that behind him.
Alex went skiing with some friends.
Rob is always stepping in to help others.
Most remembered So many doctor’s appointments and PT.
This Weekend I don’t plan to do too much. There’s home Auburn baseball that Rob will go to and I might go to one of those. Church and Sunday School…That’s about it.
Looking Forward to Next Month March…Nothing really too exciting going on in March.
Trying to stick with low carb, but had some chocolate lurking around the house that has me messing that up. 🙁
Spicy Southwest Chicken Soup

Click TV below to see what I’ve been watching and listening to lately.

Favorite Pic I loved several of the pics I took from the Samford Tower.

February Recap:
I did terrible with my to do list this month! Like I didn’t complete any of these. Maybe I shouldn’t post them…
Walk/exercise 5 days a week didn’t happen – I was using the “pain” excuse, which really isn’t a valid one at least in the case of my Fibro…That pain is the reason I should be exercising!!
Organize/purge my closet I was going to start this. In my mind I was going to break it down to 3 or 4 sections, but I never did get it done.
Have Rob declutter his chest of drawers
Refold all of my and Rob’s stuff in drawers to save space
Finish patching and painting breakfast area (dreading!!) No painting for me for awhile with this shoulder issue.
Go out to eat with a friend Nope
Keep my seedlings alive
Clean out pots for said seedlings
Clean out dresser enough so drawers clothes easier
Eat less sugar
Look back at last month.
I can’t believe it’s already been a year since the wedding; that flew by! I hope your new computer set up will help you with keeping that surgery date pushed back.