Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {9.2015}

Memories of the Month - Here's a great idea for wrapping up the month with a set of questions to remember how your last month with.  I love going back and reading through what happened throughout the years.

Y’all I’m a bit aggravated. Fall is always a busy time in my household, but this year has been craaaaa-zy! I’m just trying to keep my head above water. October is here and September was a breeze compared to how busy I am now. Planning Drew’s Eagle Court of Honor, taking pictures for Auburn Thunder soccer league, editing, ordering, and getting those delivered by Oct. 31, handling several blog campaigns, are just a few things that I’ve got going on this month. Sooo, I’m aggravated because with all of that going on I’m having a difficult time keeping up with my blog life. I know. I know…first world problems, but still. I have like 20ish travel blog posts that I’m so behind on.

I’m writing this in case you’ve been wondering why I’m not posting as much as well as so I can look back and remember. Thanks to my lovelies who stick with me, even when I’m not posting as often. I do plan to be more frequent…as soon as I have some free time.

This month I was happy about: lots of things; going to Atlanta for a little getaway, Drew getting Eagle, Drew applying to Auburn.

This year I’m going to rate the books & movies. Here’s my rating system:
♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see!
♥ = Really good! Highly recommend.
✓ ✓ = Good, not great
✓ = Not much to talk about
X = Awful. Total waste of time

Movies I watched were:
In Your Eyes ✓ ✓
Ride ♥
Serena ✓ ✓

TV Shows I watched were:
Blue Bloods (Season 1 – Netflix)
So You Think You Can Dance
America’s Got Talent
Bachelor in Paradise
The Pioneer Woman

My favorite song this month was:

At the Cross

What I remember about work was: having to buckle down a bit on the 4 students who work for me.

A lesson I learned this month was: stick to your guns!

A friend and I: were too darn busy to get together this month.

My favorite pic that I took was:
Methodist Church - Atlanta, Georgia

The favorite thing I cooked was: Philly Cheesesteak Roll-UpsPhilly Cheesesteak Roll-Ups

Drew: officially earned Eagle!

Alex was: swamped with a ton of homework.

Rob: and I went to Atlanta like we did last year.

The thing I’ll remember most from this month was: Drew earning Eagle, of course.


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