Loving Life During Quarantine

Loving Life During Quarantine

The other day I was thinking back through the last 11 weeks of ‘quarantine’ and all of the good that has come from this. Yes, there has been ups and down and scary times and unknown future for so many, I can’t dwell in the negative. My headspace needs to hover in positivity as much as possible. I believe it’s been. I have found so many blessings from having this time to slow down and just be. To enjoy family and enjoy doing these we don’t often take time to do. I want to remember this time so I’m sharing with you today all the things I’ve been loving during this stay at home time.

Loving Life During Quarantine

  • Our new outdoor furniture with our lights
  • Watching my lil’ container garden grow. I go out there often to just check on things. Then, I’ll see something that needs to be done, which should take less than 5 minutes. 2 hours later, I find myself still out there tending to things as I see them. I’m not complaining! It has been so fun and so good for my soul and my sanity!
  • Aubie neighborhood visits
  • Improving cooking skills by getting more comfortable using the Instant Pot as well as purchasing an Air Fryer
  • Saving money by eating lunches and dinners at home except for a couple Take Out meals here and there to support local businesses
  • Game nights
  • Learning how much I appreciate going to restaurants and stores. I miss that ‘freedom.’ We’ve gone out to eat a few times, but I haven’t done a lot of shopping in stores yet.
  • Fly overs
  • Getting to know our new dog, Kayleigh
  • Being able to take little breaks throughout the day and fold clothes or wash the dishes.
  • Teaching Drew how to make stirfry and how to use the Air Fryer
  • Working from home
  • Getting stuff done around the house/yard
  • Less stress
  • Spending time outside. It is just now getting hot, which usually by now we’ve had weeks and weeks of hot, humid weather. I will have to say that this spring has been beautiful with cool temps and hardly ever humid, which made staying outside so much more enticing. God definitely blessed us with good weather during this quarantine season! And for that I am so very thankful.
  • No rushing around
  • Making homemade spaghetti sauce and meatballs with Rob and then doing little surprise visits at friends’ houses to deliver them this special treat. I don’t think any of my IRL friends read my blog (sadly) but if you’re reading and you didn’t get any, we plan to do it again to continue to spread the love.
  • Marking stuff off my personal to do list
  • Cleaning and reorganizing around the house
  • Teaching Drew about some gardening stuff. He planted 5 tomato plants that I didn’t ‘need’ and didn’t have room for. I love when he comes outside when I’m in the garden and I’ll show him stuff and talk about things I’ve learned (mainly from Youtube).
  • Friday movie nights

Such a memorable list! What have you enjoyed about being forced to stay at home?

1 Comment

  1. I’m not sure what would be on my list! As odd as it sounds not much changed for us… so much of what everyone else was busy adjusting to is pretty much normal life for us. I think the only change was not seeing our friends a couple times a week and we actually did eat take out almost weekly which is unheard of. We typically only get take out or eat out at a restaurant maybe once a month or once very other month. We turned to embracing a slower life a few years ago and I have never looked back. I wish I had spent more time figuring out how to use my air fryer more & better.

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