Ok, so I took a couponing class that an acquaintance from my church has been teaching for awhile. [Not extreme couponing] It’s been all the buzz on Facebook. I was so excited when she scheduled a class that I could attend. I learned a few things, but since I had already done some extensive research, I knew a lot of what she said. One thing is just awareness! I’m looking at the weekly ads, so today when I went to get corn for Alex’s class feast, I decided to look around and see if I found anything worth while. Here’s what I got:

Almost 6 lbs. of chicken: $29.89 for $11.92 at $1.99 a lb.
24 small corn on the cobs: $6.35 for $6.05 at .25 each
Pomegranate: $2.99 for .99
2 bags of stuffing: $5.98 for $5.00
Total: $47.69 for $26.44 after tax
I’d say for no coupons, that’s pretty dang good.