

Family Friday {Katniss, the Kat Cat}

Today, I thought I’d update you on the newest member of our family. Our Cat, Katniss, fits right in. If you missed all the drama we had with her after adopting her, you can read about that here.

I’m glad to say that things are normal now. Katniss has fit in quite nicely. For the first few months, we were scared to let her out at all, for fear she would run away. Then, there came a day that I was sick and tired of having to deal with the litter box, so out she went! We have a good routine going with her for the most part. She stays out during the day while we’re at work/school and comes in with Alex when he gets home from school.

I think cats are happier when they are allowed to be outdoors. There are so many adventures they miss out on when they are confined to the house. Katniss enjoys chasing chipmunks, squirrels, and lizards in our backyard. She enjoys sleeping on the truck in the shade as well as climbing trees and galavanting on our rooftop.

I love many times when I go home for lunch and I hear her running from out of no where to meet me at the front door. She’s always anxious to join me for lunch and often gets in my lap, begging me to stay home the rest of the afternoon.

Here Drew picked her up to bring her outside when were about to leave for the afternoon.

Here she’s keeping herself entertained by hiding behind Drew’s jacket waiting for me to walk by. Little did she know I spotted her with my camera in hand!



When Katniss is inside, she’s got several locations the house where she naps. One is right near the bathroom in the main hallway. There’s a vent near the door, which has kept her warm during the last few cold months. I’m curious if she’ll still nap there in the summer, when it’s blowing cool air.

Like I said when we first got her, Hell has frozen over! I never thought there would be a day that Rob would let us have a cat. We are enjoying the fun she brings and we especially love that she doesn’t jump up on stuff, like most cats. She’s a nice addition to our family.


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