Hey yall! Thanks for all the suggestions for this year’s iSpy Challenge. I’ve made a list and am working on the schedule for the year. If you didn’t get to chime in, please do and keep those prompt suggestions coming.

check(ed) This is a photo I took while walking on campus as I “check(ed)” walking off my to do list for the day. 😉

different I went plant shopping today and saw these really cool spotted plants called Begonia Maculata. I went back and forth trying to decide if I wanted to get it. I ended up getting it, so I’m sure you’ll be seeing more pics of the one I got soon.

new I got lots of new stuff for Christmas, but I just tried on these shoes. They fit perfectly. I love Clark’s!

happiness Rob and I went over to my sister-in-law’s house to drop Christmas presents off since they couldn’t join us on Christmas day. Our neice, Serena is always so happy.

your choice Another picture of campus as I walked. This is actually part of the building I work in.

I’d love you to join along with us next week! Challenge yourself this week to step out of your comfort zone. Get low, go high, change your angle, get close, back up. Do something different with your shots this week! A couple simple guidelines..
1. Anyone can participate.
2. Since this challenge is meant to help you expand your eye for photography, try to take five new photos this week for the challenge. Or do as many as you got!
3. If you find yourself struggling, you may use one photo from your archive, but who will really know…
4. Link up here on Saturday or sometime before the next Saturday. You can use the button below or just a link would be nice.
5. Have fun iSpying!

For next week the prompts you will be looking to photograph or iSpy are as follows:
– Selfie (Quarterly shot)
– Outfit (Quarterly shot)
– Starts with Z
– Between
– Your Choice
Suggest a Prompt! If you have a prompt you would like to do, please comment below or email me with your ideas! I’ll keep a running list of those and use as needed.
Have fun with it! Happy iSpying!
That sky in your first photo hardly even looks real! What a fun new plant and I too love Clark’s shoes. They are always so comfortable.
I LOVE that plant and can’t wait to see more of it. Also, our skies are so grey in winter so I want your blue ones!!!
Oh that brilliant blue sky! Love it!