spring? – Anyone in the South knows that Spring equals pollen.

Check out this video I found…
folded – My Granddog came over the other morning. Buster is Caitlyn’s dog and he’s so fun to have around. I love this pic of him sleeping with his paw folded under his chin.

open – Flowers around here are beginning to open up!

alone – I noticed this moth on our kitchen door the other night. He looked so alone on the big dark class door.

your choice – Hopefully you’re not grossed out by worms, but it rained a lot at the end of the week and I noticed this guy desperately trying to get back to the ground after being unearthed on my sidewalk. I helped him out after taking this pic.

Ya’ll I have just been feeling lazy so yeah, I’ve been photographing with my iPhone 12 Pro.
I’d love you to join along with us next week! Challenge yourself this week to step out of your comfort zone. Get low, go high, change your angle, get close, back up. Do something different with your shots this week! A couple simple guidelines..
1. Anyone can participate.
2. Since this challenge is meant to help you expand your eye for photography, try to take five new photos this week for the challenge. Or do as many as you got!
3. If you find yourself struggling, you may use one photo from your archive, but who will really know…
4. Link up here on Saturday or sometime before the next Saturday. You can use the button below or just a link would be nice.
5. Have fun iSpying!

For next week the prompts you will be looking to iSpy (photograph) are as follows:
– Sepia
– White
– Street
– Starts with K
– Your choice
Suggest a Prompt! If you have a prompt you would like to do, please comment below or email me with your ideas! I’ll keep a running list of those and use as needed.
Have fun with it! Happy iSpying!
I love your beautiful blooming flower! In another month or so we’ll see yellow clouds when we look out over the lake as the wind blows the pollen from the trees… maybe not quite as extreme as that video but yeah– lots of pollen.
I couldn’t believe all that pollen hiding in that tree.
Oh my, that pollen, no wonder I have such problems with hayfever, there is a grove of pinetrees in the neighbours property and our outdoor furniture, roof and car always seem to be covered in the pollen no matter what time of year. A wonderful moth photo with beautiful furry texture, and the texture contrast with the worm is super too.
Thank you! Yes, pollen is a necessary evil, I suppose.
Great pictures! Love the “folded” prompt and how you went about that one! So creative!!
Thank you! Sometimes it’s hard to not automatically take a pic of the first thing that comes to mind.
Love your folded up pup!! And great capture of the moth. Had no idea some of them were kind of fuzzy. This looks like a grizzled old grandmoth!!
Haha! Yeah, there are some pretty amazing moths out there. Just don’t get to capture them too often.
You know I love that flower picture! And I totally help worms out too! I feel so bad just leaving them in the middle of the sidewalk.
Yeah, that poor worm sure did not want to me pick up though! Squirmed all over the place.