Hiking and Driving – Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving – Colorado Springs, CO

Again, here we are. Still in COVID times. Not traveling. Blah blah blah. I’m taking advantage of this time to continue to catch up on travel posts! Today I’m continuing our trip to Colorado Springs. Rob was there for a conference. I was there for fun and relaxation.

After getting up, eating breakfast with Rob at the conference, I headed out for a little adventure. I decided to hike part of the Columbine Trail. I parked at the Middle Columbine Trail and started hiking up. I could hear a stream across the road and saw an airplane overhead. I didn’t hike but maybe a quarter of a mile. I wanted to keep hiking, but something made me a little bit uneasy about continuing since I was by myself so ended up turning around and going back in my car.
Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, COClick pic to be able to zoom in.

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Look at that sunflare!
Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

After leaving the Middle Columbine Trail, I drove to the Lower Columbine Trail near Starsmore Discovery Center, which is located at the beginning of the North Cheyenne Canyon Park.
Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

I even took a decent selfie.
Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, COClick pic to be able to zoom in.

After I was done checking out the North Cheyenne Cañon area, I found my way over to the residential area where Starr Kempf’s Kinetic Sculptures live (info) 2057 Pine Grove Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80906

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

St. Paul Catholic Church 9 El Pomar Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Broadmoor Hotel
Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

I had seen on Trip Advisor that the neighborhood near the Broadmoor has deer that just hang out in people’s yards. I was excited to find a couple!
The exact location is here: 38°47’11.706″ N 104°51’32.232″ W
Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

These cherry blossoms located on the outskirts of the Broadmoor Hotel were gorgeous!
Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

I love this area, because you just drive down the road and up pops beautiful rock formations.
Hiking and Driving - Colorado Springs, CO

That afternoon I went back to the hotel to take a nap and hang out until the conference evening activities with Rob.


  1. what beautiful pictures! I often feel a bit uneasy hiking alone too; I keep telling my husband that I’m not sure what I’ m doing to do about hiking when all the boys move out/ get jobs/ head to college.

    • Lysha

      Thank you! Oh man – yeah! You’ll definitely miss having those boys around to hike with.

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