Happy Birthday, Granddad!

Today would have been my Granddad’s 86th birthday! May is such a difficult month for me for so many reason, which I won’t get into right now. One reason is this, that Granddad was born and passed in May. I have so many great pictures of him that are still left to scan, but here’s a few of him (in no order).

Granddaddy at Christmas when my Dad was a teenager
Granddaddy at Christmas when my Dad was a teenager

My Grandfather and me at Christmas
My Grandfather and me at Christmas

Granddad dressed up in Mexican attire, not sure why
Granddad dressed up in Mexican attire, not sure why

Granddad and Me when I was expecting Drew
Granddad and Me when I was expecting Drew

Granddad, his Sister, and Parents
Granddad, his sister, and Parents

Me reading with Granddad
Me reading with Granddad

Granddad and Tippy I, baby dachshund
Granddad and Tippy I, baby dachshund

Granddad (1944) in the Army
Granddad (1944) in the Army

My Granddad with Drew
My Granddad with Drew

Granddad and my Uncle Guy  (at his wedding) and Me
Granddad and my Uncle Guy (at his wedding) and Me


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