Happy Birfday to Moi!

Today was my birthday and it was good. My day started off by having to go the Auburn Satellite Office to get my tags renewed. Nothing like waiting to the last minute, but I’ve never done it before and didn’t realize Rob would want me to do it this year. Anyway, being that it was the last day of the month it was PACKED. I was there for over an hour waiting in line.

After that I decided to go home for a bit and pick up a few things and then go shopping, but after emailing Rob where I wanted to go for lunch, he said we needed to go ahead and go being that it was Friday and it could be really crowded.

We went to Jimmy’s in Opelika and I had the lunch special (Hamburger Steak with onion gravy, squash casserole [note to self: don’t get that again.], and fried green tomatoes). It was yummy!

After lunch, I had to put Rob’s check in the bank, which took a good 30 minutes because they had 1 person working the entire bank; the inside and the drive-thru. Then, it was pretty much time to get Alex. He came home and played outside with the neighbors for a little while and I laid on the couch because I was just so sleepy. Before I knew it was time to get him to come in and dress for the Den meeting. Now that I’m the Assistant Den Leader, I have to attend the meetings, so I changed into one of my “uniforms” as well.

You can read about the Den Meeting here.

Before leaving for the meeting I looked up the name of the meal that I wanted for dinner. Rob and I had discussed options for dinner. I knew that if we waited to go eat after the meeting that it would probably be pretty crowded and if Rob went and picked it up we could lounge around at home and catch up on all our DVR-ed shows. So that’s what we did. I had the Parmesan Crusted Steak from Olive Garden. So yummy! Dinner was topped off with a yummy candy bar cake and I even got to blow out candles this year. The boys and Rob gave me cards and Rob threw in a most delicious Godiva Chocolate bar. It was a great day!


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