Happy 40th!

Happy 40th!

My other half turns 40 today! I wanted to write a special post to wish Rob a very happy birthday.

Happy 40th!

Dear Rob,

I hope you have the best birthday today. After all, it is a milestone. 😉 The BIG 4-0! WOW! I know I can’t give you too hard of a time about it, because mine’s soon to follow. Anyway, I wanted you know that am so very glad to have you in my life. I can’t imagine sharing life with anyone other than you. I’m so proud of all the things you’ve accomplished in your 40 years and I know you will not stop there.

You mean so much to me, our boys, other family, as well as our friends, and our community. Your Dad joked the other day, that he can’t go anywhere in the Auburn area without you seeing people you know, shaking hands, and having a conversation with folks. No, you’re not a politician, but you are an ambassador for so many great organizations in our area. From Scouts to AUMC to Auburn Thunder, you give so much of yourself and your time to things and I’m just not sure people realize it. I know that’s the not the reason you do it. You do it, because you generously give of your time and talents to worthy organizations.

You recently described another great man as “humble,” and when I think of words to describe you, humble would be a word that describes you well. Personally, I would also add that you are confident, encouraging, loving, silly, spontaneous, and generous. I fell in love with you, because you have those attributes.

One of the best things about you is that you are my encourager. When I am teetering on an idea, goal, or problem, you are the one that has faith in me and helps push me through. Not only that, but you have stood by my side through so many ups and downs. Your faith and encouragement has never wavered. For that, I am forever grateful.

When we first met, I could not get over your spontaneous nature. You reminded me a bit of my Dad, who was really the only spontaneous person I knew growing up. Back before we had kids, we would wake up on Saturday morning. You would ask where I wanted to go that day. I would reply with, “I dunno.” I always loved that you would throw an idea or two out there, we would jump in the car and we’d go. We have explored and traveled and I love each and every memory we’ve created together, both with and without kids! I am looking forward to 40+ more years of adventures with you!

Happy birthday!
With all my love,

Happy 40th!


  1. Happy birthday to your husband! I hope he reads this, it was so incredibly heart felt. (: I hope you and the fam have a lovely weekend!

    • Lysha

      Thanks so much! Another crazy busy weekend, but that’s how we roll around here. Hope yours is great too!

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