Grandmother {August 24, 1925 – March 18, 2011}

Grandmother {August 24, 1925 – March 18, 2011}

My Grandmother

My Grandmother passed away last Friday, so I’ve been very busy driving to Texas and back. I’ll be trying to catch up on all my posts as I have time. Below are a few of my favorite pictures of her.



My Grandmother holding me 1975


My Grandparents

Grandmother's 1st Great Grandbaby

My with the Grandparents

Grandmother in her Buick

More pics here.


  1. Many prayers and thoughts to you and your family. Thank you for sharing her photos with us…grandmothers are very special people!

  2. I’m sorry to hear about Grandma Wells. She was so nice to me that time I got to meet her in Texas. I know how much I miss my grandmother, I can only imagine how much you miss yours.

  3. Sorry to hear about your Grandma, my thoughts are with you.

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