Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me. ~Micah 7:7

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait>

So for those of you who follow Rob on Facebook, you’ve heard the good news. Rob has accepted a new job at Auburn University. We are just so elated at this wonderful opportunity. He will be working in the Facilities Management in the Information Systems Department.

Over the past 5 years, we’ve had so many ups and downs (more downs) with my job situation and my eventual career change. As much as I love and cherish my new beginning at Auburn University library, I’m making a lot less than I was a teacher. However, this job comes with a lot less stress as well, which is a very good thing! With all of this though, we’ve cut back until we can’t cut anymore. With Drew costing more and more by the day (it seems), things are not getting any easier financially.

With this career move of Rob’s, it will give us a little more flexibility financially. It will also give him 4 weeks of vacation plus 2 weeks at Christmas. Great retirement. Little bonus…he will be provided with an iPhone 5!

He won’t start his new job until Oct. 28. Leaving his current job of 16 years at first was something he thought he could never do until he found out all the great benefits. 16 years, folks! That’s quite a long time to be at one job. In fact, that is the entirety of our married life as well as the life of Drew. I think it will probably be an adjustment for all of us in some ways.

Rob is in the process of training others in his workplace how to do things. You see he has been an invaluable asset to his company. He’s the only person who does what he does as that’s how it is many times with programmers. They have planned for him to continue to do consulting work with them on projects until someone gets fully trained and they have moved on from this phase of projects.

Please be in prayer for him in the next few weeks as he makes the transition.

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. ~Proverbs 16:3


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