Easter 2021

Easter 2021

This Easter was quite a bit more ‘normal’ than 2020! Hallelujah! Rob got up early to be at church by 6:30. Our church is one of the only churches that I know of still requiring you to sign up online. Of course, Easter is a very popular church going day, so all 3 in person services filled up quickly. Our church added a 7am service and that is why he needed to be there early. Not sure if I’ve ever mentioned it here, but he is a volunteer for the Media Team. He is in charge of song lyrics and anything the preachers might want up on the screen during their sermons. He helped with the other services as well.

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Our main three preachers

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In the mean time, I got up and pulled out everything I had prepared on Saturday for our Easter lunch. I had worked it out in my head when I needed to put the ham in the oven. One thing I had not done the day before was make the marinade for the ham, so I put all the ingredients in a pan. I had decided I would just pour that over the ham when we got home from church and let the ham cook a bit longer while we got everything else ready.

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Our Easter Lunch Menu:
Brown-Sugar Pineapple Ham
Teriyaki Green Beans with Bacon
Mashed Potatoes with optional cheese and bacon toppings
Strawberries and Cream Layer Cake

Drew and Caitlyn got here not long after I got out of the shower. I finished getting ready and we headed on to church. Rob had texted that he was waiting outside for us, since we all needed to check in together. We took pictures outside and then headed in.

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It was nice to go to church in person. This was Alex and my 3rd time to go to in person worship this year. 1st time to go to traditional church in the sanctuary. I borrowed these pics from my pastor, since we couldn’t walk around before or after the service.

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After to church, we all headed home. Rob’s Mom and Step Dad came over for the Easter meal. Rob helped me set the table and put the ham on a platter. I managed to snap a shot of my plate. After stressing about the meal, I had totally lost my appetite, so I didn’t put much on my plate. I ended up kind of getting more hungry as I ate, so I had more than this.

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After lunch we sat out on the back deck and visited. We talked way too much politics. Rob’s brother ended up joining us when he got back into town. He plays piano for a church back where they used to live. Anyway, around 3 we all left and went over to Rob’s sister’s house to visit. I was bad and didn’t take any pics all afternoon! Here’s a couple pics of M’s family for memory’s sake.

Easter 2021

Easter 2021

We stayed at M’s for a couple hours and then came home. Alex and I saw our neighbor outside, so we went over talked with her for a bit. Her 2 year old has a battery powered Porsche that Alex wishes was a real car that he could drive. I love our new neighbors!

After that I went outside and did some gardening. Rob laid out on the couch outside. It was a gorgeous day! Rob’s brother ended up coming back over to visit some more. Later that evening we ordered Dominoes (since it was the only pizza place open at 8:30 on Easter). It wasn’t terrible.

What a great Easter it was! In person worship. Family here for a meal. A gorgeous day. Good food. I couldn’t have asked for much more. How was your Easter?


  1. That is so nice you were able to go to church for Easter. I miss going to church so much! Your dinner looks delicious!

    • Lysha

      Yes, in person worship has helped life feel a little more ‘normal.’

  2. That’s so great you could go to in person church. We ended up going to our distanced, in person, sunrise service and skipping the online service later on. And then we had the first BBQ of the season. It was an okay Easter but I can’t wait to get back to more normal holidays. I love your family photos — you all look so happy!!!

    • Lysha

      Thank you! I pray that people are able to start doing more ‘normal’ things.

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