Currently – June 2020

Currently – June 2020

It’s time for another Currently post!

Currently - June 2020

I’m feeling… drained, but trying my best not to let it get the best of me. I need be rejoicing in the fact that I’m still working from home and the flexibility that gives. I am excited that our new neighbors moved in this week. We haven’t met them yet, but I’m eager to meet them. I miss having neighbors that we can stand out in the yard and talk to. I hope these new people are nice like that.

I’m wearing… nothing special! T-shirts and shorts.

I’m buying… lots of random things, but all quite useful for different reasons.
Basket for Storage & Organization.

I’ve been on the hunt for a basket for my markers and chalk for underneath this Coke sign that I got for my birthday. I finally just decided on this one and I like how it turned out.
2020-06-01 14.54.11

Digital Food Scale

Tinkle Eyebrow Razors

Pencil Sharpeners

Collapsible Funnel Set

I’m craving… new and different recipes. Let me know if you’ve tried anything amazing lately.

I’m discussing… a possible vacation at the end of June. So far it will be a roadtrip, because flights are pretty expensive. Possibly to Georgia/South Carolina coast? We started discussing this before all the riots and everything. Charleston was a place we were considering, but it looks like it’s been hit pretty bad with looters. Not sure what if anything will become of this discussion.

For those interested in Air Fryers, look for my post on Thursday where I will share what I’ve learned so far!

Join along with the Currently posts at Anne in Residence.

If you’d like to see last month’s Currently post >>> Currently – May 2020


  1. I feel you on needing new recipes – I feel like it’s just been soooo much dinner cooking for the last 12 weeks. My family has really enjoyed this falafel recipe lately though, with a nice bonus that it helps us eat vegetarian a bit more frequently, which we’ve been trying to do!

    Love that little storage basket too – so cute.

  2. I think we could all use a getaway these days. Hopefully you can find a place to go for vacation and enjoy!!


  3. Those funnels are a great idea. Good luck finding a getaway for this summer. I havent thought about it yet, and we might just end up doing some day trips. Take care!

  4. I just purchased that food scale too! I used it this morning to weigh some chicken breasts that I’m throwing into my crockpot so I can make a big batch of shredded chicken for different recipes- chicken salad, buffalo chicken casserole, burritos, etc. I find most of the recipes I use on Pinterest or as Anne said, from BudgetBytes- I love her site. Love how you used that basket!

  5. Any luck with new and different recipes? I would love some inspiration! I have been enjoying cooking all our meals at home lately….but would love to try a few new things!

    • Lysha

      I have found a few things. I’m going to try and write a post with some recipes I found.

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