Currently – July 2020

Currently – July 2020

I blinked and June is over. Here’s my Currently post for July! Hope you’re having a great Summer so far.

Currently - July 2020

I’m cooking… several shrimp recipes that I did back in Summer 2017 that I never shared. I need to make the recipes again and write everything down so I can share them with you.

I’m photographing… my garden. We were on vacation last week and my sis-in-law took care of our cat and my garden while we were gone. It rained a lot, so when we got back my garden has exploded with tomatoes! Peppers are bigger.

I’m sharing… a post about my garden soon, because it’s just so exciting.

I’m trying… to make it through The Office. Rob and I are on season 3 and it’s just so cringey!

I’m wondering… how in the world The Office is so popular. Someone please explain!

Join along with the Currently posts at Anne in Residence.

If you’d like to see last month’s Currently post >>> Currently – June 2020


  1. I do not get the Office either; I’ve tried watching it a time or two but just can not even stand it!

    • Lysha

      Haha! Yeah, I’m suffering through it episode by episode, because my husband is really starting to enjoy it and it is getting a little better.

  2. I like the Office, but only in small doses. Maybe one or two episodes. My kids on the other hand can’t get enough of it! Have a terrific Tuesday!

    • Lysha

      Oh yes, small doses for sure! My son’s girlfriend has watched all the seasons 2 or 3 times.

  3. It is funny – and rather confusing – to see what becomes so popular (with almost a cult following) on tv/Netflix/etc. I rarely “get it” and Hubbie and I just assume we are old!!

  4. It’s hard when you don’t love something that everyone else seems to ‘get.’ I am almost finished reading The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend, and I have Googled reviews FOUR times while reading because I cannot figure out for the life of me how it was a bestseller. I have found the characters to be entirely flat, the dialogue canned, and the book just basically borning. But I keep at it, because–positive reviews & NYT Bestseller. Surely I’d find the reason why! But, no. So I hear you 🙂 [ Even though I think The Office is pretty darn cute :)]

  5. Must be great to grow your own vegetables in the garden – I love peppers!
    I remember watching “The Office” years ago but I wasn’t the biggest fan (thought it was just me because it seemed everyone else raved about it)!

  6. I’ve seen random episodes of The Office but it was never anything that I REALLY got into, though I like a lot of the actors in it.


  7. I think The Office is an acquired taste. I thought it was the stupidest thing ever and that Michael Scott was about as silly and mean as they come. But then I started liking it more as I watched more of it. I think it is hard to find anything to watch these days. Even with a trillion options.
    Will be looking forward to your shrimp recipe in the near future. Miss eating seafood and rarely prepare it at home.

  8. I agree that gardens are so exciting! I love to watch everything grow and get so excited about the little things. 🙂

    And The Office. I loved it but the second-hand embarrassment. Yes definitely cringey. I felt the same way about the first season of Parks and Rec!

  9. Ha, I’m with you – I watched all of The Office but could never quite LOVE it because I can’t handle that cringey stuff. I thought Parks & Rec had some similar humor but with more loveable characters… Enjoy that garden! I love summer produce so much 🙂

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