Currently – January 2021

Currently – January 2021

/beginning/ the new year with some goals that I’m actually still formulating. I hope to post those soon. I’ve also decided to begin doing the Sentence a Day post each month. In case you missed it, I’m also beginning a new photo challenge that you can read about here>>>> iSpy Photo Challenge

/feeling/ relieved. Yesterday I had to do an diagnostic ultrasound because I had detected something before my last mammogram. The ultrasound showed ‘nothing of concern.’ Hallelujah!

/organizing/ my thoughts, hopes, and desires for the New Year. This kind of goes along with my goal setting. I love the illusion of a ‘new start’ each year and use it to figure out big goals I’d like to set for the year.

I would also like to do some home organization, but again that will be part of my goals.

/resolving/ We’re in the 6th day of the year and had all of these things I wanted to do each day and I’m already finding myself overwhelmed and many of them seem repetitive and unnecessary. For my sanity I think I need to resolve that I can’t do it all and try and narrow them down to the most important.

/wondering/ when we’ll start to see a difference in the virus as more and more folks get the vaccine.

Join along with the Currently posts at Anne in Residence.


  1. Great news about the ultrasound! I’m not sure when we’ll see a difference in life due to the vaccine, but I hope soon!

    • Lysha

      I am so sad that things are getting canceled around here again. Hope things are better where you are.

  2. That is indeed a relief – glad to hear it! Love the idea of reining in the resolutions, actually – doing just the ones that are important to you is a great approach. And I’m wondering the same. A bit pessimistic about how the winter is going to look, but hopeful a new administration can help get this vaccine really moving and that we can protect more lives and perhaps be out and about a bit more by summer.

    • Lysha

      I understand the pessimism. Things are getting canceled left and right here because numbers continue to rise after the holidays. 🙁

  3. Joanne

    You must be so relieved with the ultrasound results! I just marked my blogging calendar to participate in “currently” next month.

    • Lysha

      So VERY relieved. That’s the 2nd having to do that. I can forward you the ‘currently’ email when I get it, if you would like.

  4. Good news about your ultrasound results!! Great way to start the year. 🙂

    I always put a lot of stuff on my plate then tell myself that I don’t need to finish it all at once, and sometimes I just give myself permission to say, I have too much happening and need to let some of this go. 🙂

    • Lysha

      Yes, scary way to end last year, but happy to have these results in the new year! Definitely something to be thankful for.

    • Lysha

      Thank you! Such a scary thing to go through, but thankful for modern medicine!

  5. Great news about the ultrasound! And I’m excited for the photo challenge posts tomorrow. I have some more pictures to take first though!

  6. Glad for your all-clear on the mammogram. I had about 2 scary years where I had to go for mammograms every couple of months. They finally decided it was nothing to worry about.

    I get overwhelmed with all I want to accomplish. Not enough hours/days/weeks/months in a year!! Ha! We just have to give ourselves grace, and do what we can do.

    • Lysha

      Yes, I am so frustrated with my Gyno. My regular doc wants to me to see my gyno about possible surgery… I don’t see a reason for surgery, but any way. My dang Gyno office doesn’t answer the phone and you have to leave a message. They say they’ll call you back, but they never do! I guess I’m going to have drive over there. Grrr!

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