Christmas Eve {2011}

Christmas Eve day was fairly busy. Not as busy at the 2 days before, but still a little busier than I would have preferred. But like this entire Christmas season, for some reason, for us everything has been so different. I won’t go into all the reasons why, but it’s just been bizarr-o. Oh I digress…

Thursday Rob and the kids went to Newnan, because one of Rob’s Facebook friends was selling a 42″ plasma TV for super cheap. Although, we weren’t in need of a TV, it just wasn’t a deal we could pass up.

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So Christmas Eve, Rob went out and got a mount for the TV and installed it, just in the nick of time to get to the Christmas Pageant that Alex was singing in.

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Here’s my little Shepherd.

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Beautiful sanctuary

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A little tried, a little bored.

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After the Christmas Pageant, we came home to finish up with the TV and have Christmas Eve Meal (our new tradition we started last year).

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We had:
Candied Green Beans
Honey Baked Ham
Hash Brown Casserole

It was yummy! We really enjoyed it. After that the boys opened their PJ’s so that they could get dressed and we could watch Christmas Vacation.


Here’s Alex opening his PJ’s. Drew ran out of the room from embarrassment…. A few days before this, he begged me not to do the tradition of PJ opening on Christmas Eve. I told him I would buy him PJ’s until he was married and then his wife could take over the tradition. 😉


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