Today I spent nearly the entire day making everything for tomorrow:
Oreo balls
Banana Nut Bread Muffins
Spinach Artichoke Dip
Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Cookies
Sausage Balls
Sausage-Cheese English muffins (make-ahead snack or breakfast)
After all that cooking, I was exhausted! I relaxed while watching White Christmas, which is not one of my favorite Christmas movies! I need to go adjust my top 10 Christmas movies again. I was dreading cooking dinner after being in the kitchen practically all day, so I was very happy when Rob reminded me that a friend of ours was bringing over some homemade lasagna. Lasagna is one dish that I just can’t get to “work”. So it’s been a tradition for Rob’s coworker to make him lasagna for his birthday, but this year she never did do it with summer being so busy. It worked out great. We popped it in the oven and “wolfed” it down before having to head out the door. It was just SOOO yummy!!!
While we were waiting on the lasagna to cook we got dressed up and went to the Christmas Eve service at our church. Beautiful service as always. Our preacher’s brother, John Ed, preached. He started by talking about instant replay in football and how a coach can throw a red flag to have a play reviewed. His sermon was based on the idea that the devil threw the red flag to have the events of Christmas reversed. He discussed the events of that miracle and nativity scene. I loved the way he did this, because I think it really got Drew’s attention right off the bat, being how he loves football. I love Christmas Eve services; communion, singing Christmas hymns, hearing “O Holy Night”, and my favorite part; singing “Silent Night” with only candles to light the room. Just awesome!

We came home and the boys opened their Christmas Eve present, PJs, put those on, and then picked out a couple cookies to leave for Santa along with some milk. Drew asked if she should leave Santa a Coke instead in case he’s “lactose intolerant”. Made me laugh!