Caitlyn is a Graduate!

Caitlyn is a Graduate!

Family Friday {Graduation Edition}

Drew’s girlfriend, Caitlyn, graduated from AHS last week! We are so proud of her. Graduation was held at Auburn University’s Auburn Arena where they play basketball, as well as where Auburn University graduation takes place. We can’t wait to see her walk across the stage there again in 4 or 5 years.
Caitlyn is a Graduate!

Caitlyn is a Graduate!

The next night, Caitlyn’s grandparents hosted a lovely outdoor graduation party for her with family and friends. The party started at 7, so there was probably about 30 minutes of daylight left. Caitlyn had candles leading to the backyard, white Christmas lights, as well as white balloons with glow sticks inside.
Caitlyn is a Graduate!

She had a collage of photos of her through the years as well as pictures of her Dad and Mom in their graduation photo.
Caitlyn is a Graduate!

They started a fire and roasted marshmallows for s’mores. Caitlyn also had some sparklers.
Caitlyn is a Graduate!

Caitlyn looked so cute. Her blouse was precious on her.
Caitlyn is a Graduate!

She has persevered through some really tough times. I know she’s going to continue to grown and mature and become successful at whatever she ends up doing in life. We wish her the very best no matter what!

War Eagle, Caitlyn!

See more pics:
AHS Graduation
Grad Party


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