Boy Scouts Chill at the Lake

By | July 15, 2013

Saturday was Drew’s Boy Scout’s Troop chill at the lake day. A fun time was had by all! We enjoyed burgers and hotdogs, tubing, waster skiing, knee boarding, and fellowship.

Chill at the Lake

Meeting of the minds…
Chill at the Lake

Chill at the Lake

5 Drew on 1 tube…could get interesting!
Chill at the Lake
And that it did! After over an hour of joy riding, they managed to flip the tube, causing one of the guys knees to go into the cheek of another guy. The result 2 broken molars and 1 huge headache.

Clark Kent Scoutmaster on Skis!
Chill at the Lake

Drew knee boardin’
Chill at the Lake

I’ve got some videos to post from the day, but those we’ll have to wait until we get back from our trip.

See all the pics from the day here.

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