This is the day he went home. Believe it or not, this outfit was for newborns, but it swallowed him up!
Where has the time gone? I can’t believe three years have passed already. In so many ways though, his birth and the whole labor and delivery process seems like a dream, like it never happened. I think back to that day and it’s hard to fathom that I went through that agonizing pain. It’s crazy how time tends to dampen the feelings you go through the day a child is born. When you’re in the moment, everything is vivid and you’re super sensitive to everything that goes on.
I don’t feel like I’m able to put this in words like I’m trying to. But I’m curious…Does anyone else feel that way about the days their children were born or is it just me?

He was about a month old here, but so long and lanky.
They grow soooo fast don’t they?
Happy birthday to your monkey boy! He’s such a cute baby!