Making New Year's Resolutions!

New Year’s Resolutions 2015

Making New Year's Resolutions!

Happy 2015! How can that be?

With every new year, I try to look at it as fresh new beginning. Whether I make new years resolutions or not, I think it never hurts to reevaluate your life and to think about ways to improve it. Since I recently decided to rejuvenate my blog life and move to this new URL, I decided it would be a great year to start off with some New Year’s Resolutions.

If you decide to write some, remember you should only have 3-7 goals. Having too many will overwhelm you and will make it hard to stay motivated. They should also be SMART:
This mnemonic acronym was written by G.T. Doran in the 1980’s to help management come up with objectives for their businesses. Since then, individuals just like you and me are using it to help them make sure their goals are “smart.” To help me start the thinking process, I started by brainstorming for the New Year. A few days later I returned to that list and was able to take those ideas and narrow them down to a list of 5 main resolutions for this year.

1. Drink 32 oz. of water each day.
2. Use my “good” camera more often and look for the extraordinary in the ordinary.
3. Expand my cooking repertoire.
4. Exercise 4 days a week for at least 30 minutes.
5. Organize and minimize.
So there ya have it. Five S.M.A.R.T. goals!

SMART goals

What’s even more exciting is I’m going to writing about them throughout the year. Stay tuned this week for more details.

Doran, G. T. (1981). There’s a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management’s goals and objectives.
Management Review, Volume 70, Issue 11(AMA FORUM), pp. 35-36.


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