Halloween Party 2023

By | November 2, 2023

Drew and Caitlyn threw Halloween Party the Friday before Halloween. I did kind of a bad job taking pictures, like I didn’t even get a picture of them together. Oh well…

Anyway, the party was great!

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Good punch

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Every detail thought of…If you can’t tell these are their wedding photos that Caitlyn put a filter on to make people look like zombies.

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All gluten free food

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Fun games…Corn hole and Washers

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Pumpkin carving contest…We brought pumpkins already carved and everyone voted.
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Drew’s Sailor Aubie

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Rob’s step dad won with this eagle cut out.

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Good costumes

Both sets of grandparents went back in time. Some hippies (Rob’s mom and step dad) and Sunny & Cher (Caitlyn’s grandparents)

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Rob and I were Mike and Vanessa from Last Man Standing

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Last Man Standing

Drew’s gramma put Caitlyn’s wig on (that she didn’t wear) and it was pretty funny.

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Here’s Caitlyn, who was Mavis from Hotel Transylvania, and her dad

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Here I am with Alex. He didn’t dress up because he was riding solo to this party. Madison had to work.

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It wasn’t cold, but a camp fire is always fun.

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Best of all is just sharing time with family…great conversations and memories made.

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Such a good time! We’re already collecting ideas for costumes and pumpkin carvings for next year’s party!

3 thoughts on “Halloween Party 2023

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