OK, so tomorrow is my birthday. And for my wonderful afternoon after work, I get to go to the store and get groceries that we’ve needed since Monday! Go get Alex and Drew. Get Drew ready for soccer practice. Get Alex cleaned up. Freshen myself up. And got to the PTO meeting for my work! Sounds like a great time!
Posted 9/29/2004 at 10:11 PM
Notice the new animated profile pic < <<<<------------------ I did that last night, when I should have been SLEEPING! Last night we went to Fall Festival. We of course hung out with Drew’s friend! I’ll try to get pics of that up soon. Tonight we had a baseball game. I for some reason thought it was practice day not game day (it switches between Mon. and Wed.) So I thought I could run errands, go get Drew ready for practice and then go get Alex and go to the store. But when I picked Drew up he reminded me it was GAME day! So needless to say we raced to get Alex and raced home to get dressed in time! Thank goodness his uniform was CLEAN!! I did accomplish getting dog food, which we’ve needed for a few days and I took something back to J&M. I was going to exchange it, but thought I would have more time later! It’s a good thing I did that! Anyway….dinner’s cooking and I need to go make sure it’s not burning……. more later! Posted 9/29/2004 at 8:26 PM
Posted 9/27/2004 at 10:31 PM
Posted 9/27/2004 at 10:8 PM
All I want for Christmas is my 2 front “teef”!
Posted 9/27/2004 at 5:32 PM
We had a nice visit with everyone in Baton Rouge. I’ll have pictures up soon. We just home today though. Last night on our way home our Explorer broke down! YUCK! But we called *HP and they sent a tow truck and a state trooper. We stayed at a hotel right near the Ford Dealer in Selma. This morning we found out it was a pulley and a belt. The pulley froze up and the belt broke, in turn. We thought it was something like the timing belt, thank goodness it wasn’t! It ended up not costing near what we thought and we got home today and I’m now cleaning and washing and washing and washing clothes! The worst part of is that we missed work and school. Oh well, what’s done is done and He makes everything happen and I can live with that! Gotta run….more later….![]() Posted 9/27/2004 at 3:49 PM
Ok, I’ve been so busy, not a lot of time to write. I’m taking a half day tomorrow so that we can head to Baton Rouge for the weekend. Most of Rob’s Dad’s family is there (grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousins). Rob’s dad and step mom are driving over from Houston. It’s Rob’s PawPaw’s 75th birthday and Rob’s cousin, Candi and her husband Craig, just had a new baby.
Anyway, have a good weekend and I’ll talk to you when we get back! Posted 9/23/2004 at 10:41 PM
“It’s the Auburn Tigers Not the Auburn War Eagles! Auburn’s nickname is the TIGERS. Through the years, these two Auburn terms have often been used interchangeably and incorrectly. There are hats and T-shirts with Auburn War Eagles on them. Even the news media has been known to refer to an Auburn team as the War Eagles or to an Auburn player as a War Eagle. In fact, when the Tigers play a game on the road, there is often an article written in the local paper wondering why Auburn has three nicknames — the Auburn Tigers, the Auburn War Eagles and the Auburn Plainsmen. To set the record straight, Auburn has only one nickname — the Auburn Tigers. “War Eagle” is a battle cry, used by Auburn fans in the same manner Alabama fans yell “Roll Tide!” and Arkansas fans yell “Woo Pig Sooie!” You never hear Alabama referred to as the Alabama Roll Tides or Arkansas as the Arkansas Sooie Pigs, and to call Auburn teams the Auburn War Eagles would be just as incorrect. The battle cry “War Eagle” should never have an “s” on the end of it. The nickname “Tigers” comes from a line in Oliver Goldsmith’s poem, “The Deserted Village,” published in May 1770, “where crouching tigers wait their hapless prey…” The term “Plainsmen” comes from a line in that same Goldsmith poem, “Sweet Auburn, loveliest village of the plain…” Since Auburn athletes were, in the early days, men from the Plains, it was only natural for newspaper headline writers to shorten that to “Plainsmen.” It may be confusing to an outsider, but to Auburn people, it is very simple. That’s why War Eagle VI, Auburn’s golden eagle symbol, is named Tiger!” Article comes from AuburnTigers.com Posted 9/22/2004 at 10:39 PM
“It’s the Auburn TigersNot the Auburn War Eagles! Auburn’s nickname is the TIGERS. Through the years, these two Auburn terms have often been used interchangeably and incorrectly. There are hats and T-shirts with Auburn War Eagles on them. Even the news media has been known to refer to an Auburn team as the War Eagles or to an Auburn player as a War Eagle. In fact, when the Tigers play a game on the road, there is often an article written in the local paper wondering why Auburn has three nicknames — the Auburn Tigers, the Auburn War Eagles and the Auburn Plainsmen. To set the record straight, Auburn has only one nickname — the Auburn Tigers. “War Eagle” is a battle cry, used by Auburn fans in the same manner Alabama fans yell “Roll Tide!” and Arkansas fans yell “Woo Pig Sooie!” You never hear Alabama referred to as the Alabama Roll Tides or Arkansas as the Arkansas Sooie Pigs, and to call Auburn teams the Auburn War Eagles would be just as incorrect. The battle cry “War Eagle” should never have an “s” on the end of it. The nickname “Tigers” comes from a line in Oliver Goldsmith’s poem, “The Deserted Village,” published in May 1770, “where crouching tigers wait their hapless prey…” The term “Plainsmen” comes from a line in that same Goldsmith poem, “Sweet Auburn, loveliest (sic) village of the plain…” Since Auburn athletes were, in the early days, men from the Plains, it was only natural for newspaper headline writers to shorten that to “Plainsmen.” It may be confusing to an outsider, but to Auburn people, it is very simple. That’s why War Eagle VI, Auburn’s golden eagle symbol, is named Tiger!” Article comes from AuburnTigers.com Posted 9/22/2004 at 10:39 PM
A’s 1st Baseball Game
A had his first baseball game tonight and did great! It’s machine pitched which he’s never done and he went 2 for 3! Way to go! Posted 9/20/2004 at 10:58 PM
All I have to say is Posted 9/18/2004 at 11:39 PM
Ok, I did it a different way so Xanga let me do it that way. Anyway, here are the pictures of the tree in our backyard. Posted 9/17/2004 at 5:0 PM
Well, I was TRYING to post some pictures, BUT Xanga isn ‘t letting me – saying I found a BUG!! Argh!
Posted 9/17/2004 at 4:51 PM
I finally finished my 100 things about me page. Check it out! There might be some mess-ups since it’s so late and I just finished it!
Posted 9/17/2004 at 1:1 AM
Yesterday when I got to work I found out that one of our 4th grade teachers who was 26 wks pregnant had gone for her regular check up. They checked her and she was 3 cm dilated! They rushed her to the hospital, gave her an IV to stop contractions, but to no avail. She was then taken to Birmingham, where she was checked and 9 cm. I haven’t heard what has happened, but I just pray that her and her baby girl are ok!
AND my mom is the hospital so please pray for her. She had surgery and should be going home Saturday. About the hurricane….we were very lucky. We were one of the only neighborhoods to not have power. In fact this afternoon we went and ate at Applebee’s. Our neighbor is an engineer for Alabama Power, so that’s always a good thing! He’s going to be VERY busy the next few weeks as he has to go to South Alabama to help out. Posted 9/16/2004 at 11:20 PM
Well, finally got power back. It went out about 10 am and came back on right before Survivor!!!! We made it though all the tornados and strong winds and rain. No harm done, until this afternoon when we were having some wind gusts. We have woods behind our fence. One of the pine trees fell on our Bradford Pear Tree and split it in two, narrowly missing our storage building! Very sad, but hope that the part of the tree that’s still there will live. We lost our other Bradford to disease last summer. So that leaves us with one tree and a big mess to clean up and a fence to repair!
Now we’re just praying we don’t have anymore trees fall or lose power again! Posted 9/16/2004 at 9:43 PM
Bracing for the stormHurricane Ivan is set to hit us early morning, I guess. Schools closed till Monday. Lord watch over us and keep us safe, please! Posted 9/15/2004 at 10:22 PM
Ok, I’m getting scared now! This hurricane news I continue to hear is really scaring me! Just thought I’d share! Please pray for us!
Posted 9/13/2004 at 11:10 PM
Wal-Mart was awful! Yes, we’re preparing for Hurricane Ivan! Ughgh! People were complaining that they were out of water, etc! Luckily everything I needed was there. I did forget to get the Coleman fuel, so I’m hoping Kroger will not be out of that tomorrow!
Alex is better today according to his daycare teacher who said he didn’t act any differently! He seemed fussy to me, but I think he’s just tired and still not completely over the shots! I’m in the process of trying to get pictures ordered of Alex for his 4 month and 6 month, but I need to take some more for his 6 month because I’m not real happy with those. If only I was as talented as t4tots! Posted 9/13/2004 at 8:51 PM
![]() You’re a girl power mommy! You love to be girly, but you’re no pushover. Your kids are learning that gender differences don’t have to mean gender inequality. You’ve taken back pink, and you don’t care who knows it! What kind of a freaky mother are you? Posted 9/12/2004 at 7:30 PM
I was up with Alex last night several times. He’s running a fever just like the dr. said he might, due to one of the vaccines he got. He’s been up and down today. Hopefully he’ll be over all this tomorrow!
I had my workshop today. That’s all I have to say about that! I made it home in time to see most of the Auburn game! Good game! We had Laredo’s that I brought home! YUM!!! Thanks David for the great suggestion! I’ve got some work to do so I’ll talk to you later! Posted 9/11/2004 at 9:1 PM
I remember I was going to talk about being so happy about getting to go out for lunch! How funny is that! Most professions, no biggy, but for teachers it is! Today we had duty free lunch, where we got to eat in the lounge without kids while parents supervised! AWESOME!
We’re doing a secret pal thing at work. I got a Hershey’s bar today! Yum! I gave mine some candy and a poem yesterday! Alex went for his 6 month checkup today. He’s 18 lbs. 10 oz. and 27 1/2 inches long! I’m in the process of revamping his website and I’ve updated Drew’s also! I’ve got a workshop tomorrow from 8-12 so I’ll miss Drew’s first soccer game of the season. Posted 9/10/2004 at 5:33 PM
Ok, today was too cool! (even though I’m feeling awful the last couple of days – hurting all over, sore throat, glands like beach balls) My principal rocks! Anyway he let the 5th grade teachers go out for lunch for an hour! Awesome! We went to Cafe123, which was good!
My new favorite song by the Black Eyed Peas called Let’s Get It Started! LOOOVE this song! It’s a great dance song! They can thanks Apple for introducing the song to me because of the iMac G5 video! I had some other stuff to write about, but once again I’ve gone blank!………………………………………………. Haha! I’ll be back later! Posted 9/9/2004 at 7:8 PM
For you teachers or homeschoolers out there…I found 2 awesome sites today.
GREAT for younger students! Posted 9/7/2004 at 6:44 PM
Last night I was up late experimenting with Adobe Photoshop Posted 9/6/2004 at 3:10 PM
Rob’s next computer
Hmm…I just realized that people who use Internet Explorer or maybe even other browsers might be seeing my blog differently than what I thought. Let me know if behind the journal blog entry you DON’T see black. It’s supposed to look like the side bars with black behind the writing, but some people are seeing the flowers behind there. It’s hard for me to test all the different net browsers, so if anyone has problems seeing anything on my blog, I would LOVE to know. There’s nothing more annoying than having to highlight the text to see it! Uhgh!
Posted 9/6/2004 at 12:40 AM
Happy Birthday, Mom!!
![]() Posted 9/5/2004 at 11:30 PM
Rick’s Ramblings…
Posted 9/5/2004 at 5:7 PM
I’m in the process of making a 100 Things about Me page. Trying to think of things people may not know about me. I think I’m up to 45 so we’ll see how long it takes me to finish! I’ll put a link up when I’m done.
We started going to the Contemporary service today and we’re teaching Sunday School at 11:00 now. Big change, but I’ve really wanted to go to the contemp. service for some time now! I really enjoyed it. About a year ago I started listening to contemporary christian music on the radio and I love it! It was nice to be able to sing a few of the songs without staring at the screen! I had more to write about, but now I forgot…guess I’ll go for now and see if I can remember! Posted 9/5/2004 at 4:43 PM
Just picture this….a woman, about 55 year old walking at her highest rate of speed with her head down buried in a book, who circles the same block 4 or 5 times in a row, about 2-3 times a day!! Sounds crazy! But it happens everyday in my neighborhood…just thought I’d share that since she just passed by. I just wonder how many times she runs in to a parked car or trips over something in the street! Weird!!!
Enough about that…I originally came here to write about the fact I feel like I’m back in college! I just completed my book summary that I will pass out to the faculty and staff at my school. I have to give a presentation about the book, Weakfish. Now I’m formulating in my brain what I’m going to say to them about the book. I was going to type some notes up, but I’m thinking I’ll just wing it! Ughgh! How I dread this, but look forward to getting it over with! Rob, Drew, and some of his family have headed to the game. So that’s why I was able to get that done! Alex and I are about to head to Carter’s. I have some extra money that I received for the days I worked before school started and I’m going to go spend it on my boys! Like always! Talk to you later! Posted 9/4/2004 at 1:47 PM
The Mommy Blog
Posted 9/4/2004 at 11:55 AM
This morning I got to work and realized I had brough my camera, but left my BATTERY at home! HELLO! A lot of good that does! I had also left my lesson plans so I asked my boss if I could go during PE to get them. He was cool with that.
This morning I found out that our librarian’s daughter was due to have a baby in 3 weeks. Last night something happened and they could find no heartbeat! So our librarian was heading to Florida so she could be there to deliver the baby. Ughgh! So sad! Being pregnant in so many ways is so scary, but in most cases there’s nothing the mom can do to prevent things like that! Anyway! Today was Native American day. It was fun but tiring! I have pictures, but can’t post them due to the fact I don’t have consent from parents yet! Posted 9/3/2004 at 6:54 PM
I tend to be a mixture of these 2…some of these questions I have 2 or 3 answers for!! What kind of yarn are you?
What kind of yarn are you? Posted 9/3/2004 at 6:45 PM
Just thinking back to school days……more about this later….maybe! Richland Middle School Richland High School ——— Posted 9/2/2004 at 10:56 PM
Yesterday Rob’s cousin Candi had her baby! How exciting! I love babies so I’m real happy for her and Craig and Luke. I look forward to seeing them in a few weeks when we head to Baton Rouge!
Tomorrow is “Native American Day” for the 5th graders. We’re doing crafts and eating N.A. foods, etc. We are also dressing up! The kids are supposed to dress up so I look forward to that. Although I’m not thrilled about dressing up! But I’m a team player so no complaining! I got to get Drew to bed so I’ll talk to ya later! Posted 9/2/2004 at 9:39 PM
Yesterday I finally went to Lowe’s and got a Swiffer Wet Jet. Of course, my kitchen floor was so awful and it needed a thorough mopping first, but the Swiffer seems like it is really easy to use and will keep it cleaner than I’m used to! They’re a little pricy, but I think they’re worth it! We’ll see!
Yesterday E-bay had half off on listing price, so I stayed up late and listed a bunch more stuff. I’ve alreay sold almost all my maternity clothes. Just a few left and I’m now selling baby clothes too! Trying to schedule a baptism day for Alex. Yes, I know…he’s almost 6 months old. Drew was 8 months old when we got him baptised so I figured if I got it done before 8 months, I’m doing good! LOL! Posted 9/1/2004 at 5:53 PM