A Sad Goodbye

By | November 16, 2022

I mentioned we had to go out of town for a funeral. I had started writing details about what happened, but really this isn’t my story to share.

What I will share is that Drew’s fiance’s mom passed away. At 47… It wasn’t a surprise. She’s been sick for years. It was still the saddest thing. During our time down in Florida, I had 2 new experiences.

1. I witnessed someone on their death bed. That is hard. The beautiful thing that I witnessed, however, was getting to see Drew comfort Caitlyn as she sat there and watched her mom in her final hours. Although this was probably one of the saddest and most sorrowful things I’ve ever witnessed, it was also something that touched my heart in such a special way. To see my son, love and comfort, and really hold Caitlyn up when nothing else would. Wow!

2. I’ve never been in a house that has burned. This is a whole ‘nother story (not mine to tell). And this had nothing to do with Caitlyn’s mom death. But Caitlyn’s mom’s house burned a couple weeks before she died. We went into help pull stuff out that Caitlyn wanted.

Other randomness from time in Florida…
Caitlyn put together a beautiful service for her mom. I know she would be so proud. She always was so proud of her one and only daughter.

Drew and Rob wrote a beautiful obituary.

Caitlyn and Drew both spoke at the memorial service. They amazed me. (I mean they amaze me every day.) I had no doubt that they would do a great job, but that’s hard! I know God was holding them up and gave them the strength. I was just so proud of them.

After the service, this kid (really…a grown adult man) came up and said hi. Rob and I were baffled as to who this person was. I knew we knew this kid, but I just couldn’t place him and it was totally out of context. It was a friend of Drew’s, who’s actually in the wedding, but lives down in Florida about 20 minutes from where the church was. So cool!

Here’s the last time she was in Auburn. I’m glad she got to see the engagement…However I’m sad for so many reasons that she’s gone, but I’m especially sad that she won’t be here for the wedding. We know she’ll be looking down from above.


4 thoughts on “A Sad Goodbye

  1. Tanya

    I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. That really is tragic, and I’m glad Drew was there to help and support Caitlyn.

  2. Kym

    I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. Glad there was comfort and love shared during such a difficult time.

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