With summer nearly 4 weeks in, I’m finally getting around to doing a post about things I’d like to do! I was extra motivated when I saw Andrea’s post!
So here goes….
Family road trip 7/1-5
Read at least 2 good books
Get kids to the dentist So happy to have this done until December! 😀
Take Teenager to the orthodontist (had 1st appt./2 more to go on 7/18 & 7/25)
Get the office organized (or at least functional) once and for all!
Go on a picnic 7/3
Go on a photo walk (even if it’s by myself)
Get my laptop fixed 7/9
Catch up with friends around town
Have people over for dinner
Start selling teacher stuff (attempting, but not so successful)
Go on at least 2 dates with Rob (got to go on 1 date)
Wow! That is a lot. Definitely a lot more than I thought I wanted to do, but that’s why it’s good to get it all down in writing. What are your plans for the summer?