Project 366 Rewind {Week 1:Fresh Start}

366 Rewind {1-7}

This weeks theme was fresh start. A few of my entries this week correlate with the theme in one way or another.

1. New Desk Calendar: Before Christmas Target had a bunch of cute calendars in their $1 section. There’s just something about a fresh, clean, unwrinkled calendar that makes me feel good.

2. 2012 Chick-Fil-A Cow: Rob and Drew went to the Chick-Fil-A (Peach Bowl) and got all sorts of goodies. This CFA Cow was an exclusive that only people that went to the bowl game received.

3. New Tug-o-War Toy: Here Daisy’s playing tug-o-war with Drew. As you can see the toy is not all raggedy, but in no time, it will be. This girl loves to play.

4. 2012 Glasses: Here’s another ‘goody’ that Rob and Drew picked up while in Atlanta for the bowl game. Every year I see people in New York on NYE wearing fun glasses similar to these.

5. New Book: Last week, I started reading a new book, The Hunger Games.

6. Playing on my iPod: There is nothing new and different about this picture. Alex loves to play on my iPod.

7. Wedding: Saturday I photographed a wedding. Here you see the lovely couple and their beautiful daughter.


  1. Oh my goodness- this is now the 3rd time I have heard of this book today- now I really need to download it to my nook.

  2. Love your photos! #3 is just too cute and we both attended weddings!

  3. Looks like such a great week. I really enjoyed your photos. I am so glad you are linking up with us. 🙂 Have a wonderful week.

  4. Kim C.

    These are fun. I too have heard much ado about Hunger Games. Must check it out.

  5. Great shots. What do you think of The Hunger Games so far? I’ve been thinking about reading it before it comes out in theaters. Thanks for sharing!


  6. I really like your collage. I’ve wanted to read the Hunger Games for awhile but I keep putting it off. I want to read it before I see the movie so I can go “That didn’t happen that way in the book.” and drive my husband crazy. 😉

  7. Jen

    Great collage!! I also have heard the buzz about The Hunger Games…I’m with Gina, I’m going to have to get it for my nook.

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