6 Months….

6 Months….

I’m sure I depressed everyone with my posts about my Dad over Father’s Day Weekend. However, today marks 6 months since he’s been gone. My brother’s post on Facebook saying, “Wow six months,” I replied: “Ugh. Hits ya in the gut. Sometimes it seems like yesterday, but others seems like he’s been gone forever. However, my brain still seems to think that I can call him up to ask him something or share something funny. I guess that may never go away.” I’m amazed at how the pain hasn’t subsided. Maybe it’s still too early…I don’t know. Since I was in denial for a good month or so, it’s been a slow process. I’d say in a lot of ways, with each passing day, it gets harder. The realization that he’s gone and I suppose until I’m willing to except that, it won’t get any easier.

Here’s a pic my brother posted on Father’s Day that I’d never seen before…

Dad’s (Short) Journey with ALS


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