4th of July 2023 Party

4th of July 2023 Party

4th of July this year was on a Tuesday and we all had to work on Monday, which was a total bummer. However, we made the best of it. Rob’s Mom and Step Dad threw a big shindig.

Rob made Jambalaya over the fire the Drew made.

2023-07-04 11.43.22

2023-07-04 12.38.58

Lots of homemade ice cream

2023-07-04 13.30.07

2023-07-04 14.39.01

Caitlyn’s beautiful dessert creation just like her mom used to make.

2023-07-04 10.58.52

2023-07-04 14.41.24

Gramma and the newest grandchild

2023-07-04 16.38.51

Drew and his newest cousin

2023-07-04 15.21.15

2023-07-04 19.44.09

Lots of fun on the water slide.

2023-07-04 16.21.22-1

2023-07-04 16.20.27

2023-07-04 16.20.44

2023-07-04 16.21.21

2023-07-04 14.19.18

2023-07-04 16.46.02

2023-07-04 16.46.48

Fireworks in the front yard to end the day.

2023-07-04 21.06.16

More pics from the day here>>>4th of July 2023

How did you celebrate on the 4th?


  1. All the blogs I follow disappeared on my Feedly so I have spent HOURS trying to remember everyone and get them added back. So frustrating.

    Nice to catch up your holiday. That jambalaya looks FABULOUS. And the ice cream. And what cute kiddos. It was hard to have to work Monday and go back to work Wednesday, I imagine. But at least it was a 4-day work week.

  2. joanne

    That sounds like such a wonderful 4th of July celebration! I am loving all these pictures. My husband had a 4 day weekend but it thundered and poured like crazy here on the actual 4th of July so most parties and things were canceled.

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