4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

This year the weekend before 4th of July we were in Baton Rouge for Rob’s cousin’s wedding reception. When we were planning it, we were trying to figure out how we could combine that trip with a short getaway for the 4th. We decided the most logical thing to do would be to stop in Gulf Shores for a few days.

Rob and I aren’t really beach people so a couple days at the beach is plenty. We enjoyed just relaxing at the condo that was just a short walk to the beach. We stayed at Gulf Shores Plantation.

4th of July in Gulf Shores

We purchased several pounds of shrimp in Baton Rouge and had a pre-planned menu so we had everything we needed to cook all our meals at the condo.

On our first night Rob and I made Shrimp & Sausage Gumbo and Crawfish etoufee.
4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

One of the days Caitlyn and Drew made shrimp pizza and it was amazing!
4th of July in Gulf Shores

The kids enjoyed looking for seashells as there were some really awesome ones coming up on the shore as well as trying to catch fish with a net. There were a good deal of fish swimming close to shore.
4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

I enjoyed watching the crabs play early in the day and even got some pics of some.
4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

Enjoying the beach early in the day.
4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

4th of July in Gulf Shores

The resort next to ours put on a nice firework show that we enjoyed from our balcony.
4th of July in Gulf Shores

You can see more pics here.


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