31 Days of Must Read Cookbooks {Day 5}

By | April 16, 2024

31 Days Of Must Read Cookbooks

Here we are for Day 5 of the series of that I’m moving over from my old URL, while I’m recovering from shoulder surgery. I’d love to hear what your favorite cookbook is?

American Grub - Eats for Kids from All Fifty States

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Hope everyone is having a lovely week so far. Today the cookbook I’m sharing is a perfect one to get those kids in the kitchen with you. American Grub – Eats for Kids from All Fifty States is a book that I used back when I used to teach. It was a family homework activity, where I would “force” parents to get in the kitchen with the kids. 🙂 During our “50 States” unit, I would share this book with my students and they would all pick a state and a recipe to make and home and bring in to share. So much fun! I still love this book.

Here’s the table of contents with the recipes for each state.
American Grub - Eats for Kids from All Fifty States

Here’s a couple examples of what the pages look like and the background information that is included with each state.
American Grub - Eats for Kids from All Fifty States

American Grub - Eats for Kids from All Fifty States

This book is a must read cookbook because it shares a little culture from other states. With each state, it gives a little background information on each state. I love that the recipes are easy enough that kids can make them with a little assistance. Fun for all!

Click here to see more from this series.

3 thoughts on “31 Days of Must Read Cookbooks {Day 5}

  1. Jennifer

    This looks like a fun cookbook! I love teaching my kids to cook, I might have to check this book out. Thanks for sharing!


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