If you missed my first couple of posts from this series, I’m moving these posts over from old blog, with an updated title photo and links as I’m recovering from shoulder surgery. I did all this back in March so that my blog wouldn’t go dark during this time. Enjoy!

The cookbook for today is one I got the other day for my birthday; The Southern Slow Cooker Bible: 365 Easy and Delicious Down-Home Recipes by Tammy Algood. My mouth was just a watering, last night as I read this book. I wanted to run in the kitchen and start making all these recipes.
Here’s the Table of Content as well as the back of the book.

Here is the typical layout for the book, however, not all pages or recipes have pictures.
There are so many recipes that have me hungry every time I pick this book up, so it’s hard to pick just one. However, the Coconut Milk Chicken is something I’m adding to my menu plan very soon.
I love this book because the recipes seem right up my ally. The exact types of things I cook or want to cook. There’s just a handful of recipes that I’m not interested in. The formatting and the pictures are very appealing to the eye. I like that Tammy includes just little bit of background for each recipe, not pages and pages of background stories.
This is a must read cookbook, because the recipes seem to be pretty easy. There’s also a wide variety of recipes. And who doesn’t love cooking in the crockpot? I mean, really!
Click here to see more from this series.