Here’s a few highlights from last week!
+ Tuesday – Drew came over to visit me. He invited me to go to the baseball game with him.
+ This TENS unit has been such a big help with my back, neck, and shoulder pain lately.
+ Monday – Back to the orthopedic dr to get my shoulder MRI results. Not good news. I have a tear in rotator cuff and bicep tendon. So I need surgery. Trying to wait till May, so that I can hold my niece when we go Texas in April. It’s a long recovery – 6 weeks in a sling and can’t pick anything heavy up for 4-6 months. Really don’t return to normal for about a year after surgery.
+ Made another double batch of sausage balls.
+ Planted my seeds and some have already sprouted. They will stay inside under grow lights until after Easter.
+ Walked to Publix one day while at work and passed Samford Hall. Always need another picture of it.
+ A clutter spot in our house is this bar in the kitchen. Love when it’s clean and clear (before/after)
I’m sorry to hear about your shoulder. My uncle had rotator cuff surgery, and it was a long recovery.
I am so sorry to hear about your shoulder!