2024::Feb 11-17

2024::Feb 11-17


+ Valentines Day and Ash Wednesday on the same day! Easter is going to be early this year! Church for Ash Wednesday.

+ Rob and I went out for Valentine’s Day on Tuesday night.

+ After church on Wednesday, Rob and I went watch AU kick Bama’s tail. Aubie wore his pink suit for Valentine’s Day.

+ Friday night I started planting seeds (for under grow lights) until after Easter (last freeze).

+ Work

+ Lots of dr’s appointments and MRI on shoulder.

+ My new laptop set up at work to help my neck pain…hopefully.


  1. Ooof I hope that neck pain relieves itself soon! I’m in the market for a new desk chair, I think, because my lower back is going to crap lol

  2. Oh, I hope you can get your neck pain figured out. That doesn’t sound fun…

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