What’s Up Wednesday – February 2020

What’s Up Wednesday – February 2020

What's Up Wednesday - February 2020

Here’s my first What’s Up Wednesday for this year. As slow as January went February is coming to end in the blink of an eye, it seems. Do you feel that way too?

I’m linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.

What We’re Eating
A couple meals we’ve had over the last month have included:
Chicken Pot Pie
Chicken Pot Pie

15 Minute Dorito Chili Bowls
Dorito Chili Bowl - Quick and Easy - Ready in about 15 minutes!

I’ve also been cooking from some of my favorite food bloggers: Plain Chicken, The Girl Who Ate Everything, and A Cookie Named Desire.

What I’m Reminiscing About
Spring Break Last Year . Spring Break is just around the corner for us so we’ll be heading back down that way for more Spring Training.
Spring Training 2019

What I’m Loving
Something recently reminded me of Pepperidge Farm cookies so I bought a couple packages. Now they are a bit on the pricy side ($2.89 not $3.89 like the package says), so these will be something I buy every once in a while. However, it brought back a memory that just gave me the warm fuzzies. Growing up at some point my Granddad heard there was a Pepperidge Farm outlet not too farm from us. As a little girl or even as a teenager anytime Granddad said let go shopping, I was all about it. And then heard cookies! Shopping for Cookies!?!?! Heck yah! I remembering driving down an ally way of what looked like storage places. Went in the backdoor of this place and we shopped half priced everything! A cookie lovers heaven.

I don’t remember what kind I like or got but I’m pretty sure the packages were bigger than they are now.These Chesapeake are so yummy. Dark chocolate and pecans. I am loving these right now!
Pepperidge Farm cookies - Chesapeake

What We’ve Been Up To
Planning our Spring break trip and working out details for getting our new dog.

What I’m Dreading
Not really dreading anything right now. Hallelujah!

What I’m Working On
About starting my seeds indoors tomorrow. I think I’ll finally have everything that I need to start my seeds. Yes, I’m taking a huge leap into the gardening world. Last year I bought a bunch of herbs and strawberry and pepper plant. I did start some pepper seeds, but started them way late and they were from store bought peppers. I’ve since learned that typically store bought seeds won’t produce fruit? What a bummer! So anyway, I’ll keep you updated on my seeds and container garden.

What I’m Excited About
Alex got his braces off!

What I’m Watching/Reading
Unfortunately I’m not reading anything right now besides my daily devotional on the Bible app.

What I’m Listening To
Last night Rob and I went to see Waitress at the GPAC, so I’ve been listening to the the soundtrack for that. Highly recommend this musical. Very funny but should come with a warning of language and some suggestiveness.

2020-02-25_23.12.19 Pics by AU Photographers
Pic by AU Photographers – I would have taken my own photo, but they won’t let you.

What I’m Wearing
I had x-rays today on my lower back and hips for some terrible pain I’ve been having on right side, so I just wore a Beatles t-shirt and some stretchy pants.

What I’m Doing This Weekend
Not a lot. I hope!

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month
Spring Break! Getting a new dog. Working on a Walk to Emmaus retreat.

What Else is New
I got nothing!


  1. What fun to grow your own herbs and strawberries. I wold like to have a little herb garden, too.

    Alex’s teeth look fabulous. I have been looking at how dingy mine look. Time for some whitening strips.

    Hope you enjoyed a restful weekend.

  2. Someday I hope to go to Spring Training live. It’s absolutely a bucket list item.

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