Again, another month with no “Life Lately” update. So here we go. I am so far behind on updating yall on life. I’ve been so busy trying to pump out my weekly menus and new recipes that other stuff as fell by the way side. I decided for the month of October, there will be no Weekly Menus. I hope to resume those sometime in November.
Since my last Life lately has been filled with…
~~Homecoming for Drew
~~Drew has a girlfriend
~~Soccer season started for Alex
~~Rob went to a conference in Atlanta and I took 2 days off to hang out in Atlanta, while he worked.
~~I got through another season of Auburn Thunder Soccer League pictures, just got to get them packaged up and delivered.
~~Rob and I started a 52 week bible study at church every Sunday evening.
~~I haven’t really been feeling great…Dang Fibro. 🙁
~~We have a creature living in our walls/attic again.
~~My 39th birthday came and went. I got lots of good presents, cookbooks, new crockpot, tshirt, and baking grid. Got to eat at Cock of the Walk and had lunch at Jim ‘N Nicks.
~~I made a list of 40 things to do before my next birthday. See it here.
~~Participating in the 31 Days Challenge. I’m writing about a different cookbook each day.
~~I’m working hard to build my blog and start making more money off of it. I’m working with a team now, which is really great.
I know there’s stuff I left out, but that covered the stuff I can remember right now. 🙂 What have YOU been up to lately?