It’s been over a month since I’ve done a “Life Lately” post. Ahh! Where did the time go? Did not realize it had been so long. So for this one, I’ll try to recap as much as I can remember from the last month.
Life lately has been filled with…
~~Drew had 2 a days (ie. Band Camp) for a week.
~~Rob worked another Emmaus Walk.
~~School started.
~~Rob was on the radio again to promote Scout sign-up nights.
~~Rob and Drew worked 20+ in 2 days at the Thunder Road Soccer Classic.
~~I’ve been cooking up a storm and we haven’t been eating out as much.
~~I’ve been busy learning as much as I can about promoting my blog.
~~Alex completed Acolyte training a few weeks ago and was installed and consecrated at church yesterday.
~~The house I grew up and my Dad and his 3 brothers was sold. It’s quite bitter sweet. Need to write a post about this.
~~AHS homecoming is around the corner. It’s quite early this year. I urged Drew that if he was going to ask someone to go with him, he needed to do it ASAP. Popping the Question – Homecoming
~~Tomorrow starts my season of taking the soccer league pictures, so hopefully I can keep up with my busy blogging schedule as I’ll probably be swamped for the next 4-6 weeks with that.
~~2 weeks of school have gone by really without a hitch. (knock on wood)
~~I’m sure there’s more, but I’ve gone brain dead.
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