Already time for another biweekly update…
Feb. 24 – We got to visit this little one and her parents.


March 1 – On that Saturday, I went over to Drew and Caitlyn’s house to do their 1st family photo with L.A. Here’s one of those pics. I was really proud of how they turned out.

March 2 – We went to Savahn Thai for dinner. Highly recommend!!

March 7 – Ballgame and we got tickets to the Hall of Fame club so we could eat and standing room drink rail located directly behind the two rows of reserved seating right behind home plate.

Our basketball coach, Bruce Pearl, actually threw out the first pitch.

March 9 – Celebrated Alex’s 21st birthday at Resting Pulse Brewery in Opelika.

It was also L.A.’s first outing besides going to the doctor.

My last biweekly post >>>> Week 7 & 8
That sounds like such a wonderful week. The family photo came out nice.