Week 43 [2021]

Week 43 [2021]

How is October over already!?!?! I know many folks will be pulling out their Christmas decor soon. We don’t do that, but I will switch out all the Halloween themed decor for just fall decor.

Here’s what happened for Week 43 (October 25-31, 2021)!

On Tuesday, on my way home I noticed the protestors downtown, but couldn’t get a shot until I had passed them. Here they are in my rear view mirror. They were protesting the Auburn University vaccine mandate.

2021-10-26 16.01.20

Thursday was my day to give myself a shot of Ozempic shot on my own. As you can see its a tiny needle. Thank goodness. I hardly feel it. They make it very easy. This is to help my blood sugar stay low and my doctor says I should also see other benefits from it as well. The only thing about it is the day after I give it to myself I wake up at 3 or 4am, feeling restless and very achy, but after getting up and moving around it gets better. I’m hoping the longer I take it, that gets better.

2021-10-28 16.25.20

Last week was much cooler. It felt really nice in the mornings and didn’t warm up too much each afternoon.

2021-10-27 07.04.40

Saturday on College Game Day everyone picked Ole Miss to win.

2021-10-30 22.42.30

Rob and I got to campus for the game in enough time to see 4 Corners. A tradition that had been paused because of COVID. Glad it was brought back this season.

2021-10-30 17.00.03

Rob and I went to the game and Auburn beat Ole Miss 31-20. It was a fun game!

2021-10-30 18.40.45


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