How is October over already!?!?! I know many folks will be pulling out their Christmas decor soon. We don’t do that, but I will switch out all the Halloween themed decor for just fall decor.
Here’s what happened for Week 43 (October 25-31, 2021)!
On Tuesday, on my way home I noticed the protestors downtown, but couldn’t get a shot until I had passed them. Here they are in my rear view mirror. They were protesting the Auburn University vaccine mandate.

Thursday was my day to give myself a shot of Ozempic shot on my own. As you can see its a tiny needle. Thank goodness. I hardly feel it. They make it very easy. This is to help my blood sugar stay low and my doctor says I should also see other benefits from it as well. The only thing about it is the day after I give it to myself I wake up at 3 or 4am, feeling restless and very achy, but after getting up and moving around it gets better. I’m hoping the longer I take it, that gets better.

Last week was much cooler. It felt really nice in the mornings and didn’t warm up too much each afternoon.

Saturday on College Game Day everyone picked Ole Miss to win.

Rob and I got to campus for the game in enough time to see 4 Corners. A tradition that had been paused because of COVID. Glad it was brought back this season.

Rob and I went to the game and Auburn beat Ole Miss 31-20. It was a fun game!